10 Realistic Ways to Decrease Your Anxiety Levels
It was 12 years ago that I realized that what was happening to me was anxiety. At first, I was ashamed, but when I finally accepted it, I realized I should do whatever I can to help myself not be crippled by it.
I started experimenting with different ways to combat and relieve anxiety. These are my top 10.
Feeling Stuck? You Need to Follow This Easy Process
We all get stuck in a rut from time to time. The good news is that we can easily identify why this happens, and help decrease the chances of it happening again.
In this blog post, I go over what to do when you’re feeling stuck!
Twitter vs Threads - Will Elon or Zuck Win?
Mark Zuckerberg’s new app Threads has recently launched and has gained users faster than any app… ever. It’s extremely impressive and many people are predicting Twitter will die as a result. Who will win this app battle?
The 4 Best Ways to Grow Your Knowledge
Knowledge will help you find success and happiness. After all, if you’re smart, you can figure out how to be happy. Nowadays though, there are so many ways to grow your knowledge… so what are the best ways? What should we be doing?
The Best AI-Generated Art of Politicians
Artificial Intelligence has given us the opportunity to create art with our words. Thanks to AI-generated art we will never look at images the same.
These art a compilation of my favorite AI images of politicians.
4 Reasons Why Avoiding Mainstream Media Makes You Happier
You turn on the TV and are bombarded by information from all angles. Some of it is true, some of it is false, and most of it is trying to sell you on something.
Mainstream media is trying to sell you on their point of view, and on the companies that fund them. By removing mainstream media from your life, you will become happier.