I Had My First (Alcoholic) Drink in Over 420 Days
Balance, self-improvement, Self-Love, quit drinking Nikola Maharajh Balance, self-improvement, Self-Love, quit drinking Nikola Maharajh

I Had My First (Alcoholic) Drink in Over 420 Days

For the past 14 months, I’ve been actively trying to convince people to quit drinking. And just a couple of days ago, I had a glass of wine.

The plan was never to quit forever. 14 months is actually 4x longer than I was planning to quit. The goal was to gain control over my drinking. I stayed sober for much longer because I fell in love with having control.

But, now that I will be having alcoholic beverages again, a plan is needed in order to make sure my drinking does not get out of control.

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Why You Should Stop Fearing Death (and Start Living)
Happiness, self-improvement, Self-Love, mindset, Balance Nikola Maharajh Happiness, self-improvement, Self-Love, mindset, Balance Nikola Maharajh

Why You Should Stop Fearing Death (and Start Living)

Since the beginning of civilization, we’ve known that we all die. It’s not a question of if, it is a when.

No matter what people have claimed over the years, mortality eventually catches them.

To some, that thought is deeply disturbing and gives them anxiety.

But, I want to argue that the end should bring you comfort and perhaps even set you free…

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Saying No is a Secret Superpower You Need To Learn!
Balance, self-improvement, mindset, productivity Nikola Maharajh Balance, self-improvement, mindset, productivity Nikola Maharajh

Saying No is a Secret Superpower You Need To Learn!

When we are growing up, it is good to say “yes” often. We want to experience as many things as possible so that we can not only learn what we love, but learn about ourselves. However, as time goes on and we age, we need to start saying “no”.

Saying “no” becomes a superpower. We are so accustomed to saying “yes” that we start to waste our time and energy on things that don’t matter.

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10 Realistic Ways to Decrease Your Anxiety Levels

10 Realistic Ways to Decrease Your Anxiety Levels

It was 12 years ago that I realized that what was happening to me was anxiety. At first, I was ashamed, but when I finally accepted it, I realized I should do whatever I can to help myself not be crippled by it.
I started experimenting with different ways to combat and relieve anxiety. These are my top 10.

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