Feeling Stuck? You Need to Follow This Easy Process

How to climb out of a rut.

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It’s so common. You’re trying to get work done, study or be productive, but you simply can’t. 

You continuously catch yourself daydreaming, losing focus, pulling out your phone every 10 seconds, and wasting time.

This has been going on for days, sometimes weeks. You’re stuck.

We all get stuck in ruts from time to time. Might be from a lack of focus, we have no motivation, not feeling ourselves, or simply… no direction. Something is off!

I’ve been in this position many times, and I’ve also gotten out of these ruts many times. So, I decided to write down the process to help me get back on my feet as quickly as possible.

Today, I will share with you exactly what to do when you’re feeling stuck!

Identify what your “perfect” is.

Pull out a pen and paper (or notes on your phone), and write down exactly what you did on days that contributed to you feeling perfect.

Here are some examples of what I write:

  • Worked out

  • Hit the sauna

  • Took a cold shower

  • Extremely hydrated

  • I slept a full 8 hours

  • Ate healthy and on time

  • Woke up next to my girlfriend

  • Meditated for 15 minutes or more

It’s important that you identify all the little things you do each day that help you feel great, that way on days like today, you can figure out what is missing.

I bet you’ll notice that more than half of what you wrote, you didn’t do today.

So, what is your “perfect”?

Decide what needs to be done.

Okay, so we now know then on your best days you slept well, worked out, and ate well. Which of these things did you not do today?

Maybe it’s too late to get some sleep and you aren’t a napper, that’s okay, let’s focus on what you can do.

Go get some healthy food. You’re going to feel stuck if you’re malnourished, not to mention hangry

This is where self-awareness comes into play. You have to know yourself, you have to know what’s missing, and then you have to know when the right time to take action is.

Decide what needs to be done, and do it.

Increase the chances of “perfect” every day.

Once you have identified the problem and dealt with it, you want to do what you can to ensure you have more perfect days. You do that by implementing little habits and creating routines that hold you accountable.

Even better, have an accountability partner.

Someone who makes sure you went to the gym 6 times this week and hit the sauna.

Once you have that routine going and you’re going to the gym regularly, getting to sleep at the same time every day, meditating every day, or whatever it is that helps you have a perfect day, well then more days will be perfect!

Let me repeat that!

Implement habits and create a routine to increase your odds of having a perfect day, every day.

Reminder: It’s okay to take a break

It’s important to note that NOT EVERY DAY WILL BE PERFECT. It’s okay to have a bad day! What matters is that you do the best you can each day.

At the end of the day, reflect, and decide where you could have put an extra 10% effort. That’s what matters in the end. 

Worst case scenario, if you are feeling stuck, take a break. 

You can take a few hours to recoup and you can take a full day to rest. We all need that from time to time.

Again, this is why self-awareness is so important.

You need to be able to know when you can push it, or when you have to take a break.

Closing remarks

Feeling stuck is okay, and it’s perfectly natural. The thing is, most of the time, there’s a good reason why you are feeling stuck. 

By following this process you are far more likely to ensure that when you are stuck, you can recover and keep going, and you will decrease your chances of getting stuck in the first place.

And remember, what’s most important is that you just keep doing your best.

Thanks for reading.

Be Love.

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