The Best AI-Generated Art of Politicians

Created using Midjourney

Artificial intelligence has brought us some incredible advancements over the past few months, but my favourite has got to be AI-generated art.

Personally, I’ve always loved art, but I could never paint or draw well. Instead, I started practicing photography, but it never quite scratched my itch.

AI-generated art gives people the opportunity to create images with their words, that would never exist otherwise.

In this blog post, I share my favourite AI-generated images of politicians.


Star Wars - Darth Trumpius vs Jedi Master Biden

I love how detailed these images are. Three months ago I tried to do something similar and it wasn’t even close to this quality.

Who do you want on your side?


Roman Army - Obama vs Trump

They both look ready for battle, and their armour looks pretty good too. I feel like Obama looks more diplomatic here, and Trump is a leader that goes a little too far.

But looks can be deceiving… Who do you want to lead the Roman legion? 


Dance battle - Clinton Crew vs Trump Trio

It’s the 80s and you walk into a club. On the dancefloor, you see two groups walk toward each other as the music stops and the crowd clears. A dance battle is about to start…

Who do you put your money on?


Pokemon - Putin x Mewtwo vs Hillary & Biden x Pikachu

To be honest, it was fairly hard to get a proper image of Mewtwo. The one that I finalized with was one where he looks jacked. 

Who’s winning?


Harry Potter - Obama Potter vs Fauci Marvalo

I know, I know, Obama wouldn’t be facing off with Fauci, but that’s okay. How good does Fauci look as Voldemort though?


Marvel - Vladimir Banner vs Hillary Stark

Putin is quickly turning into the Hulk, and the only person that can stop him is Hillary Clinton. She puts her armoured suit on and is ready for battle.


Leader of the New World - Trump vs Clinton

We enter a dystopian future and there are two armies getting ready for war. One is led by Trump and the other by Clinton.


Animal Party - Trump & the Giraffes vs Clinton & the Donkeys

The world has become a confusing place. Animals have started talking and entire species have started to side with politicians. As they prepare to vote, they march to the polls with their leaders of choice.

Who’s winning the election?


War - Biden vs Putin

War has begun.

As bombs drop, the world burns, but quickly, Biden & Putin realize they’ve made a great mistake. In the middle of the battle, they walk up to each other and give a hug, forgiving each other.

AI-generated art, AI art, artificial intelligence art, self improvement newsletter, political art, Biden art, trump art


AI-generated art is incredible because it offers to create realistic images of scenarios that would never happen.

This will likely be able to lead to picture books and stories being created much faster than ever, and for them to be more creative than ever. We no longer need to draw by hand.

Being creative with your words is a more valuable skill than ever.

Do you agree?

Thanks for reading, and watching.

Be love

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