5 Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Listen to
self-improvement, business, knowledge, entrepreneurship Nikola Maharajh self-improvement, business, knowledge, entrepreneurship Nikola Maharajh

5 Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Listen to

You, like everyone else, are always looking for ways to get an edge.

Maybe you read, occasionally network, take courses, and nowadays, listen to podcasts.

Podcasts are a love of mine. They’re a great way to soak up current information from some of the smartest people out there.

The more knowledge you can accumulate, the better you can make decisions.

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5 Tips on How to Find Great Books
self-improvement, knowledge, Book Review Nikola Maharajh self-improvement, knowledge, Book Review Nikola Maharajh

5 Tips on How to Find Great Books

Discovering a new amazing book is like finding a pot of gold. The difference is this gold keeps on giving because the knowledge you accumulate stays with you (almost) forever.

Picking the right book is a valuable skill because it will help you save time and energy!

So, next time you’re looking for a new book, follow these 5 tips!

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Carlo Rovelli: The Theoretical Physicist Who Writes Like A Poet
knowledge, Book Review, self-improvement Nikola Maharajh knowledge, Book Review, self-improvement Nikola Maharajh

Carlo Rovelli: The Theoretical Physicist Who Writes Like A Poet

What makes a writer exceptional? What separates the average from the memorable?

For me, it is when their writing guides me effortlessly into a flow state – where I end up reading through countless pages while losing track of the time.

It’s incredible when the way they word their sentences guides you through visual images that make you feel like you’re watching a movie instead of reading a book. The best writers will make a self-help book, or in Carlo’s case, a science book, feel like fiction.

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In the Not-So-Distant Future, You Will Be As Smart as Einstein
self-improvement, AI, Artificial Intelligence, knowledge Nikola Maharajh self-improvement, AI, Artificial Intelligence, knowledge Nikola Maharajh

In the Not-So-Distant Future, You Will Be As Smart as Einstein

Imagine what the world would be like if we were all just as smart, or smarter than someone like Einstein.

  • Constant scientific breakthroughs

  • Solving complex problems like world hunger and aging

  • Reducing mental illnesses, and curing diseases like cancer

It sounds unrealistic, but that future may not be as far as you think.

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