In the Not-So-Distant Future, You Will Be As Smart as Einstein

All of our IQs will rise to a baseline higher than the average genius’.

how to become smarter, Albert Einstein IQ, Raise your IQ, self-improvement tips, artificial intelligence prediction, AI

Who do you think is the smartest person to ever live?

Most people immediately think of Einstein. With further research, you find people like Terence Tao who has an IQ well over 200 or classics like Leonardo DaVinci.

These are all incredibly unique individuals. Few people have minds even close to as intelligent as theirs.

Imagine what the world would be like if we were all just as smart, or smarter than someone like Einstein.

  • Constant scientific breakthroughs

  • Solving complex problems like world hunger and aging

  • Reducing mental illnesses, and curing diseases like cancer

It sounds unrealistic, but that future may not be as far as you think.

AI is improving every day

The birth of ChatGPT shocked the most of us. An AI with these capabilities was not expected to be available to the public for years.

It is nothing short of incredible. But, is it intelligent?

After playing around with it for some time, you realize that it can answer some questions, but that when it gets something wrong and you try to explain what it got wrong, it often has no idea what you are talking about.

The more mistakes it starts to make, the more you realize that it is not intelligent. It lacks creativity and has a lot of trouble reasoning.

Regardless of its (lack of) intelligence, ChatGPT has still scored as high as 155 on an IQ test (it has also scored much lower).

In comparison, Albert Einstein was estimated to have an IQ of around 160.

ChatGPT is just getting started though.

It feels like it has been around for years, but it only broke on the scene in 2022. On top of that, it has been improving at an incredible rate.

We’ve seen a ChatGPT mobile app get created, its understanding get better and it move slightly closer to what some people would call, intelligent.

What will it look like in 5, 10 or 20 years?

A future where we are all Einstein smart.

As ChatGPT becomes more accessible, convenient and intelligent, that means that humans as a whole will also become smarter.

ChatGPT will raise the baseline intelligence as we will all be able to connect to it.

If each of us had a mobile app where we could ask any question and it would be able to give us an over 160 IQ answer immediately, that would theoretically mean that every decision we make should be relatively intelligent.

Now imagine what happens when ChatGPT gets put into smart glasses or watches or some other technology that is more accessible and instant that we have not designed yet.

We would instantly always have 160 IQ by default.

So, once again I ask you… 

What would happen if every human was as smart or smarter than someone like Einstein?

A world full of innovation and beauty

I hate to be the guy who paints a picture of a Utopia, but I have trouble not imagining a world that is far better than the one we have today.

With the rise of technology, we’ve seen increased connectivity, more luxury, less poverty, and the list goes on.

Now, if everyone was insanely intelligent, they would be able to make smart choices. Think about what that could mean for us.

  • Less crime

  • A burst in innovation

  • Higher median income

  • Incredible scientific discoveries 

  • More time for creativity and art

There is a possibility that raising the average IQ of humans to Einstein levels would cause the greatest positive change in human history.

Just consider the overall levels of happiness in individuals.

A great man once said, that if you are truly smart, then you can figure out a way to be happy. Perhaps this rise in baseline intelligence would create the change in the world we have been fighting for.

At the least, it would level the playing field allowing everyone an opportunity to play the same game of life.

how to become smarter, Albert Einstein IQ, Raise your IQ, self-improvement tips, artificial intelligence prediction, AI

To end this thought exercise

It is safe to say that this future is inevitable. AI is here, is improving and if executed properly, will be immensely beneficial to our world.

That leaves us with only one question.

What would you spend your time working on if you were as smart as Einstein?

Thanks for reading

Be love


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