5 Cold Truths to Prepare for When Starting a Business
business, entrepreneurship Nikola Maharajh business, entrepreneurship Nikola Maharajh

5 Cold Truths to Prepare for When Starting a Business

Unless you are sitting on some endless trust fund, there is a good chance that at one point (likely multiple points) you will run into financial troubles.

You’ll be faced with making hard decisions to keep your business alive, and you may even be wondering how you will feed yourself and your family.

Like everything else in life, businesses also have ups and downs.

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5 Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Listen to
self-improvement, business, knowledge, entrepreneurship Nikola Maharajh self-improvement, business, knowledge, entrepreneurship Nikola Maharajh

5 Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Listen to

You, like everyone else, are always looking for ways to get an edge.

Maybe you read, occasionally network, take courses, and nowadays, listen to podcasts.

Podcasts are a love of mine. They’re a great way to soak up current information from some of the smartest people out there.

The more knowledge you can accumulate, the better you can make decisions.

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This is How I Became A Club-Owner at 24 Years Old

This is How I Became A Club-Owner at 24 Years Old

Within 2 years, I went from working as a barback, running around the bar cleaning up cups full of puke, to being a partner at the city’s top nightclub.

The speed of this transition still surprises me 7 years later. That’s why I’ve decided to analyze how I made it happen (maybe history can repeat itself).

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Life Lesson #44: Nothing Is As Bad as It Seems if You Give It Some Time
self-improvement, relationship advice, business Nikola Maharajh self-improvement, relationship advice, business Nikola Maharajh

Life Lesson #44: Nothing Is As Bad as It Seems if You Give It Some Time

If I had a penny for every time I overreacted, I would be rich enough to be living on a private island with a pet alpaca.

It’s far too easy for something unexpected to catch you off guard and result in you making a rash decision that you later regret.

I’m sure this has happened to you multiple times!

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Game Changer: 5 Pieces of Entrepreneurial Advice I Would Give to My Younger Self
self-improvement, business, entrepreneurship Nikola Maharajh self-improvement, business, entrepreneurship Nikola Maharajh

Game Changer: 5 Pieces of Entrepreneurial Advice I Would Give to My Younger Self

Your friendly neighbourhood business influencer will glorify entrepreneurship because they have seen success from it (or want to lie about it to find success). However, they often forget to let their followers know about all of the hardship that is up ahead.

Entrepreneurship is brutal. It will push you down, kick you while you’re down and do everything it can to prevent you from getting up.

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