5 Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Listen to

The best way to learn from the best

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You, like everyone else, are always looking for ways to get an edge.

Maybe you read, occasionally network, take courses, and nowadays, listen to podcasts. 

Podcasts are a love of mine. They’re a great way to soak up current information from some of the smartest people out there.

The more knowledge you can accumulate, the better you can make decisions.

But… there is a lot of garbage out there.

As podcasts continue to become more popular, the thought of the power to influence attracts individuals with little or false knowledge to share.

The result?

Time wasted consuming garbage. Time that is taken away from YOU making progress.

So, you need to find good podcasts to listen to.



These are the top 5 podcasts every entrepreneur should add to their list.

1. The All-In Podcast

This podcast allows you to listen to billionaires talk about billionaire sh*t. 

That’s how the guys from the #2 podcast on my list described this podcast, and I like to think that’s pretty accurate.

As an entrepreneur, listening to what those who have done it (and still do it well) have to say is useful. They are who you are striving to be.

This podcast is hosted by 4 guys, all of whom are worth between 9 and 10 figures. Their insights are worth listening to.

These guys talk about all sorts of topics. They’ll go from science to technology to politics all in the same episode.

They’ll be the first to let you know they’re not experts in every field, but regardless, they do their research and share valuable opinions. It’s awesome to see how much someone can learn about topics they’re not experts in simply by doing research that is accessible to us all.

The All-In Pod is only once a week and always lasts less than 2 hours, so it also won’t take up much of your time.

Take a listen!

2. My First Million

This podcast is millionaires talking about millionaire sh*t. 

In other words, these hosts typically talk about more relatable and achievable things than in the first podcast.

The hosts Shaan Puri and Sam Parr each made 8 figures selling companies and now spend their days launching new companies and hosting this awesome podcast.

My First Million is the perfect balance of business and humour. They’re both funny, their laughs are contagious, and after listening to a few episodes, you feel like you’re friends with them.

It’s awesome.

This was one of the first podcasts I started listening to and they ended up turning me on to every single one of the other podcasts on this list (directly or indirectly).

These guys record 3 times a week, so it’s more of a time commitment, but it is well worth your time. This podcast is perfect for those of you who are in your 20s or 30s and working on your first, second or third business.

3. The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss became a legend after his book, “The 4-Hour Work Week”. Entrepreneurs of all sorts over the past number of years have referred to that book as a life-changer.

On his podcast, Tim Ferriss interviews the highest achievers in all sorts of fields. It doesn’t matter whether they’re an athlete, actor, billionaire or scientist, Tim Ferriss will interview them all.

What’s most impressive is that he does such good research and is so diligent, that regardless of who he interviews, he can ask the right questions and keep up with them from start to finish.

I have found the Tim Ferriss show to be incredibly valuable to me throughout my entrepreneurial journey because many of us forget to maintain balance as we work hard. 

Tim Ferriss does a great job of covering everything you need as an entrepreneur.

4. The Founders Podcast

If you want to be the best, learn from the best – that’s what this podcast is all about.

The host, David Senra, reads through numerous biographies and shares with us what he has learnt about those he studies.

What makes this podcast so good and different from others of similar sorts, is his passion. As he talks to you, you can feel how much he cares, and how much what he is learning means to him.

David is the best at learning and teaching about founders.

He has recorded over 300 episodes. I’ve listened to over 100 now and every single one of them has been awesome.

This podcast should be mandatory for entrepreneurs.

5. The Ben & Marc Show

Ben Horowitz and Marc Andreessen are the billionaire owners of the a16z venture capital firm. This is their podcast.

This podcast is quite new so it is still getting warmed up, but it is rare to find two people of this calibre diving through world problems as deeply as they do.

The few episodes they’ve made so far are some of the best I’ve ever heard. It also helps that they’ll regularly answer Twitter questions as well (they’ve addressed one of mine already too).

Their topics are not always directly related to business though. For example, they’ve talked deeply about communism and also about higher education.

As entrepreneurs, it’s important to learn about more topics than just business itself. You want to have a good understanding of world problems so you can predict what is going to happen in the future.

Ben & Marc are both incredibly intelligent, have a near-infinite amount of resources and are well-equipped to teach you everything you need to know.


Podcasts are one of the best ways to improve your knowledge base. However, it is easy to accidentally dive into a bad podcast that will fill your head with garbage.

These podcasts are some of the best out there and are all widely listened to by some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. 

If these podcasts work for them, they’ll work for you too.

Let me know what you think and if there are any you’d like to add to this list!

Thanks for reading.

Be love


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