Carlo Rovelli: The Theoretical Physicist Who Writes Like A Poet

Who knew a man of science could write so beautifully

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What makes a writer exceptional? What separates the average from the memorable?

For me, it is when their writing guides me effortlessly into a flow state – where I end up reading through countless pages while losing track of the time.

It’s incredible when the way they word their sentences guides you through visual images that make you feel like you’re watching a movie instead of reading a book. The best writers will make a self-help book, or in Carlo’s case, a science book, feel like fiction.

The great ability to tell a captivating story is rare.

For these reasons, Carlo Rovelli has become my new favourite author. And if you’re wondering who he is… well, he’s a theoretical physicist and professor.

His words are poetic

You can immediately tell when a writer cares about every single word that they put in a sentence. They ensure that there is a reason for each word to be used.

Derek Sivers had said that his book How to Live was originally over 1300 pages. The final published copy was less than 150 pages.

When you read books where the words have that much intention, you can tell the difference. You can pause after each sentence to contemplate what just happened.

Carlo Rovelli’s books are the same and it is why he is great.

His books are short even though they explore complex topics. And despite their shortness, they still thoroughly explain his points.

Intention matters.

Each word has been carefully chosen and the result is poetry.

His words flow in a way that warms your heart and somehow has a magical way of making you forget you are reading about physics.

Carlo simplifies complicated concepts

Few people understand quantum gravity. Even fewer people can explain it, let alone as clearly as Carlo does.

It doesn’t matter whether it is quantum theory or the concept of time in general, Carlo has continuously been able to find ways to explain in a way that the reader can understand.

That is the power of a great writer.

They have the ability to transfer knowledge in as little as a few hundred pages from their brain to yours.

You finish his books feeling smarter

Since Carlo can clearly explain complicated concepts, you end up finishing the book smarter than when you started.

It should be said that these concepts can often be difficult to remember a few days later. This is why I put post-its so that I can always come back and revisit.

Regardless, I have found that after reading his books, I can listen to YouTube videos on these topics more easily, and jump into more complicated books and have an easier time understanding.

So, not only do I feel smarter after reading his books, I am smarter.

There are few people to whom I would recommend reading any physics book. I have yet to find someone who will finish my recommendations.

Most barely make it a chapter before they let it get dusty on their coffee table.

Carlo Rovelli is different though. 

Whether or not you like physics, you end up finishing his books, and you end up smarter and more curious than before.

His books will make you feel hopeful

Carlo Rovelli is one of the few individuals who can tastefully jump out of science and touch on philosophy.

He has found a way to give reasons to feel hope based on physics (others can make you feel insignificant).

His book, “The Order of Time”, is a great example of this.

In this book, Carlo ties the concept of “the self”, into the concept of time. After spending the majority of the book explaining what time is, you realize how closely it is tied to your image of yourself.

And even though the majority of people fear time because time insinuates there is death, by the end of the book you feel full of hope.

self-improvement tips, best new authors, best books for 2024, motivational blog, self-improvement advice, best self-help books


There are so many incredible authors out there to discover.

Carlo Rovelli is different though. He is a physicist first and then an author. That’s what makes him so exceptional.

It gives him a unique view of the world. He sees it with a set of eyes that is different from the average writer and that gives him an understanding few of us can grasp.

On top of that, English isn’t even his first language.

Thanks for reading

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