The Single Most Important Life Hack That No Guru (aside from Andrew Huberman) Will Tell You
The anterior mid-cingulate cortex is a part of the brain that is crucial for the drive to live. Sounds important right?
It gets better.
This part of the brain is bigger in those who are obese and force themselves to go to the gym.
That’s because you can only grow that part of your brain by doing things that you DON’T want to do.
In the Not-So-Distant Future, You Will Be As Smart as Einstein
Imagine what the world would be like if we were all just as smart, or smarter than someone like Einstein.
Constant scientific breakthroughs
Solving complex problems like world hunger and aging
Reducing mental illnesses, and curing diseases like cancer
It sounds unrealistic, but that future may not be as far as you think.
5 Easy Ways to Increase Your Reading Comprehension Today
For the majority of my early life, I had to go back and re-read pages 3+ times before comprehending what I read.
In the last 3 years though, as I started reading consistently, I figured out 5 easy ways to help increase my reading comprehension.
Time-Keeping Tips: How to Take Control of Your Most Precious Asset
How many times in the last year have you said yes and committed to doing something that you secretly didn’t want to do?
You only said yes to be polite, because you felt it was the right thing to do or because you didn’t know how to say no.
Right – more times than you’d like to admit!
7 Proven Hacks to Help You Build Steve Jobs-Like Focus
I have become obsessed with finding tricks to maximize my ability to focus.
I’ve narrowed it down to these 7 hacks.
You Can Build Discipline With a Split-Second Decision
There are over 2.5 million seconds every month, and all it takes is a split-second to change your life for the better or worse.
It doesn’t matter who you are, what education you have or your previous accomplishments. The barrier to failure is the same.