7 Proven Hacks to Help You Build Steve Jobs-Like Focus

An extreme ability focus is the most common trait in high-achievers

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I have a little confession to make.

From grade 5 through university, I was unable to focus on a single task.

I never got tested for ADHD, but if you ask any of my teachers, they would say I had it bad.

So, I’m sure you can understand why I became frustrated reading about every ultra-successful person having an incredible ability to focus…

This is why for the past couple of years, I have become obsessed with finding tricks to maximize my ability to focus.

I’ve narrowed it down to these 7 hacks.

1. Stay hydrated

This is basic, but it is important. You are a human, and humans are meant to be like grapes, not raisins (my girlfriend hates when I say that).

My point is that you cannot function properly if you are dehydrated.

It’s very easy to forget to drink enough water if you are on the move or working away on a big project.

My recommendation would be to get a big water bottle and carry it with you everywhere you go!

2. Make sure you get sleep

So many people fail to get enough sleep and then wonder why they can’t pay attention to whatever they are doing.

Studies show that if you get less than 7 hours of sleep, it will affect your ability to focus, your memory and your problem-solving skills.

And yes, I know, you feel just fine when you get 5 or 6 hours of sleep because you got used to it.

But, if you got used to 7-9 hours of sleep instead, you would be able to focus a lot better.

This is the most important hack on this list.

Get your damn sleep.

3. Pick your best hours to do your best work

I’ve noticed that I work best between 11 am and 3 pm. Now, that may not be the case for you, so it is in your best interest to experiment with this and figure out what works.

This will typically be dependent on your circadian rhythm, so again, you will need to experiment.

The reason 11 am to 3 pm works best for me is because I go to the gym between 9 and 11. Once I get out of the gym, I’m ready to get to work.

During your best hours, you want to hammer away at your most important work. Jeff Bezos made his most important decisions in a 2-hour span where he knew his mind was optimal.

You may not be able to focus well all the time, but you can outsmart yourself and batch your tasks into the hours where you focus best!

4. Mushroom microdoses

This is something I experimented with for a few months after I heard about how it can help you focus, improve your mood and give you energy. 

After 1 month of taking mush microdoses, I noticed significant increases in all those areas.

The best benefit I noticed is that it was way easier to get into a flow state, and when I got there, I stayed longer.

The brand I tried out was called Sero.

This may not be allowed in your province or state though, so please look into the legality before trying this out.

5. Practice meditation

Those who have trouble focusing, usually have a hard time meditating. But, it is something that if you work on regularly, will pay off greatly.

At first, you may only be able to meditate for 3 to 5 minutes. As time goes on though, you will be able to keep pushing longer.

Meditation is a practice of mindfulness where you pay attention to a single object, action or thought. Most people use their breath to focus on.

Essentially, you are practicing to focus.

See where I’m getting at with this?

6. Take cold showers

I know you’re sick of hearing about cold showers and plunges, but there is a good reason why this has blown up in popularity.

It works wonders!

Whenever I get out of the cold shower, my body is amped up and ready to go. The best part is that my mind is too.

That’s why I typically get to work the moment I come out.

If you are feeling like you can’t focus, are tired or just out of it… Jump in a cold shower for a couple of minutes and come back to your work.

Yes, it sucks at first, but it’s worth it!

7. Remove all unnecessary distractions

You are surrounded by things and people who are trying to steal your attention.

Notifications are popping up everywhere, people are talking, cars are honking and the news anchors on your TV are using fear to get you to watch their show for 10 seconds longer.

Get away from it all.

This isn’t complicated. Remove the unnecessary distractions and your focus will improve.

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Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah, Albert Einstein, Lewis Hamilton and almost every other person who is a high achiever is known for their ability to focus.

Read any of their biographies, you will hear at one point that they could focus deeply on a task.

Simply put: improve your ability to focus = Improve your chances of succeeding.

Thanks for reading

Be love


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