Why You Should Stop Fearing Death (and Start Living)
Happiness, self-improvement, Self-Love, mindset, Balance Nikola Maharajh Happiness, self-improvement, Self-Love, mindset, Balance Nikola Maharajh

Why You Should Stop Fearing Death (and Start Living)

Since the beginning of civilization, we’ve known that we all die. It’s not a question of if, it is a when.

No matter what people have claimed over the years, mortality eventually catches them.

To some, that thought is deeply disturbing and gives them anxiety.

But, I want to argue that the end should bring you comfort and perhaps even set you free…

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7 Valuable Life Lessons I Learned in my 20s
Happiness, self-improvement, mindset Nikola Maharajh Happiness, self-improvement, mindset Nikola Maharajh

7 Valuable Life Lessons I Learned in my 20s

When you’re older, the default answer should be no if the question does not excite you. Your time is valuable and you need to make you spend it doing things you love, with the people you love.

When you’re younger though… you just try as many things as possible. Get on the dancefloor, go on the crazy adventure, and take the risks.

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