How Smoking Weed Almost Destroyed My Life

A fair warning to weed-smokers

negative effects of marijuana, stop smoking weed, best self-improvement advice, happiness blog, how to be happy

I still remember the first time I smoked weed like it was yesterday.

My friend texted me a couple of days before Christmas saying we should try it out. We had chatted about it before and were curious.

So, I drove over, we turned an apple into a pipe and got high. We had a great time, ate 3 pounds of food, and entered a food coma.

And then, we did the same thing the very next day and hundreds of times after that.

I didn’t know it at first, but that may have been one of the worst decisions of my life. 

Let me tell you about how weed nearly destroyed my life.

I lost all motivation

Let me start by saying I am fully aware that many of you who smoke weed are very functional. You can work with no problem and you smoke it to relax you.

I’m happy for you, but this is not the case for everyone.

Weed made me happy. It made me laugh, care more, want to listen to music and want to eat a lot. And, eating made me happy too.

The problem was, that’s all I did.

I sat around smoking with my friends, playing video games, eating a ton of bad food and listening to music.

Want to go to the gym? No, I’ll just chill at home.

Want to join us for a family dinner? No thank you, I’ll be with friends.

Want to study for our exam? No, I’ll just study at home (aka smoke weed and watch YouTube).

There were always more excuses to avoid doing the things I should have been doing. I lost my motivation to study, work out, work or do anything that I used to love.

My life went downhill quickly and it became obvious.

My health declined

Pretty much every bad thing you can name happened to my body.

Prior to smoking, I regularly trained in Muay Thai, went to the gym, and spent my spare time learning about the universe, working as much as I could, studying, and playing basketball.

Once I started smoking, my lungs became horrible. I would randomly cough up flem, my cardio was shot and I had no motivation to stay in shape.

Because I was eating so much junk food, I gained weight, my skin became horrible and I probably smelt like shit too.

I went from almost being able to dunk a basketball, being pretty good (and rapidly improving) at Muay Thai, seeing my gains in the gym and feeling awesome… to putting on weight, having bad hair, being lazy, and getting destroyed in every sport I tried to play.

It was embarrassing when I finally decided to come back. I had lost any progress I made in 2 years within 6 months.

And, I felt and looked like shit.

Things changed for the better every time I quit

Every once in a while along my weed journey, I would quit for a few months. Every time I quit, I would see massive improvements.

For one, I would start dreaming again, and quite vividly. I loved that.

I got my motivation back. I started picking up shifts at work. I also asked for additional duties and taking more responsibilities. I got promoted quickly.

I had more energy. My workouts got better, I was quicker at Muay Thai and had my cardio back.

But then, I’d have a moment to relax, and smoke again, and it would all go downhill.

The problem became clear

At first, I didn’t realize how much of a toll smoking weed had on me. After all, it was a natural plant that was placed on the earth and no one ever died from it…


It seems like everyone tells themselves whatever excuses they need to hear to get themselves that dopamine hit from smoking another joint.

I’ve been told you can’t get addicted to weed, but I would argue I was addicted.

When it was the only thing keeping me going in a day and making me happy, I was addicted.

When I couldn’t go a day without smoking, I was addicted.

When I started to lie to others so that I could have privacy to smoke, I was addicted.

After a few times of quitting because I needed money which meant going to work, I realized that weed was destroying my life.

When I finally started my first business, I had no choice but to slow down how much I smoked. Naturally, I saw progress quickly.

Weed was the reason I wasted a few years of my life and when I quit it, life got better. I got better.

Closing thoughts

In the last 3 years, I haven’t smoked more than a couple of joints. Even then, it was a puff or two because I realized I didn’t even enjoy the feeling anymore.

Since quitting, not only has my energy skyrocketed, but I now have an immense desire to learn and improve myself.

Not only do I want to learn, but I can actually remember what I learned! Crazy!

If weed isn’t a problem for you, I’m happy for you. But, I wanted to write this because I know some people who smoke weed and don’t realize that’s what’s causing them issues.

If you’ve had a problem with weed, please share!

Thanks for reading

Be love


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