I Could (and will) Read This Book 100 Times
self-improvement, Self-Love, Book Review Nikola Maharajh self-improvement, Self-Love, Book Review Nikola Maharajh

I Could (and will) Read This Book 100 Times

The best books teach you something new every time you read them.

After convincing yourself you should read a book again, you’re pleasantly surprised when you stumble across a golden nugget filled with wisdom.

This book is no exception.

Every time I read it, not only does it fill my heart with love, but I also find a new lesson that somehow perfectly fits whatever I am going through in my life.

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AI Will Soon Change Music for the Better
AI, Artificial Intelligence, self-improvement Nikola Maharajh AI, Artificial Intelligence, self-improvement Nikola Maharajh

AI Will Soon Change Music for the Better

You’re worried that robots will take your job.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

For years, people assumed the first jobs to be replaced by robots would be labour jobs. They’d be stronger, work longer hours, and not get injured.

The assumption was they would slowly replace the working class.

Now, we know robots (AI) are coming for knowledge work first, and then, they will come for creative work next.

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5 Tips on How to Find Great Books
self-improvement, knowledge, Book Review Nikola Maharajh self-improvement, knowledge, Book Review Nikola Maharajh

5 Tips on How to Find Great Books

Discovering a new amazing book is like finding a pot of gold. The difference is this gold keeps on giving because the knowledge you accumulate stays with you (almost) forever.

Picking the right book is a valuable skill because it will help you save time and energy!

So, next time you’re looking for a new book, follow these 5 tips!

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Effective Self-Improvement Starts With Changing Your Self-Identity
self-improvement, mindset Nikola Maharajh self-improvement, mindset Nikola Maharajh

Effective Self-Improvement Starts With Changing Your Self-Identity

You will struggle to improve your life if you don’t change how you see yourself.

YouTube videos, books and coaches won’t do you much good if every time you look in the mirror you see a disappointment.

Simply put, the person you believe you are, shapes your whole life. It affects the choices you make, habits you adopt and goals you set.

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BTW: That Life-Advice Guru Might Not Be Speaking to You
self-improvement Nikola Maharajh self-improvement Nikola Maharajh

BTW: That Life-Advice Guru Might Not Be Speaking to You

While one guru tells you that you need to take more risks, the other will tell you that you need to be calculated, cautious, and conservative.

At the same time, your local fitness influencer is telling you to spend 3 hours a day in the gym, while the next guy says that 1 hour a day, 3 days a week is enough.

It seems that people’s advice often conflicts with each other.

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