I Could (and will) Read This Book 100 Times

The happiest book there ever was

best self-help books, best spiritual book, book recommendation for 2024, self-improvement books, self-improvement blog

The best books teach you something new every time you read them. 

After convincing yourself you should read a book again, you’re pleasantly surprised when you stumble across a golden nugget filled with wisdom.

This book is no exception. 

Every time I read it, not only does it fill my heart with love, but I also find a new lesson that somehow perfectly fits whatever I am going through in my life.

That’s why I will continue to read this book until the day I die.

The book I’m referring to is, “Be Here Now” by Baba Ram Dass.

Who is this “Baba Ram Dass” you speak of?

Ram Dass, born Richard Alpert, was a professor at Harvard University. His life changed dramatically when he started experimenting with LSD. 

He began to research LSD more deeply at Harvard after noticing its shocking effects. Due to this research though, he was dismissed from Harvard.

That’s when he decided he should learn how to make himself feel the love he feels when he is high on LSD, all the time. 

In search of this love, he found himself on a journey to India. It was there that he found a guru that changed his life.

At one point, he curiously gave this guru a high dose of LSD. He wanted to see if it would change him. Surprisingly, the guru felt no different. 

This guru had that love in him at all times. Ram Dass learned to feel this as well. 

When he came back to America, he made it his mission to teach others about this love too.

Be Here Now shares his teachings and it became popular among yogis and also those exploring spirituality.

Baba Ram Dass and Be Here Now came into my life at the right time.

I believe you will love this book as much as I do.

This book fills me with love

Be Here Now is the only book I’ve ever read where I was smiling from start to finish. My heart was filled with love, I was happier for weeks after, and I found myself shedding tears of happiness multiple times.

It’s incredibly hard to put down once you start because it takes you on a journey. This journey is one filled with love and is created in a way that gradually brings you more and more of this love.

He shares practical lessons and truths that we often ignore or are completely unaware of.

On top of that, it has beautiful imagery throughout the book. This imagery pairs perfectly with his carefully selected words to guide you along this journey.

We could all use a little more love in our lives, especially nowadays.

Be Here Now brings that love.

I will reread it 100 times

Life’s journey is always changing. Regardless of its challenges, there are core principles that stand true.

This book teaches not only the principle of love but also of compassion.

Of course, they are closely related. But, at different times in your life, you may need to focus on one more than the other.

Each time I read this book, I get something a little different. 

There will always be one specific page that speaks to me more. I catch myself rereading this page over and over again and then pausing and meditating on it.

Every time this happens, I discover an answer to a problem in my life that I didn’t even know I had.

I also am brought back to one of the most simple facts – Love is everything.

It’s something that I think about regularly, but even so, this book has a way of bringing it out of me more.

And if I (and you) believe that love really is everything, then rereading this book should be on the annual to-read list.

Closing remarks

When you find a book that you can read over and over again, you should treasure it.

If you have not read this book, I encourage you to do so, because if it only does a fraction for you of what it has done for me, it will be worth your time.

It’s filled with beauty, love, logic, timeless wisdom, compassion, peace and mind-opening truths.

What else could you ask for from a book?

Thanks for reading

Be love


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