AI Will Soon Change Music for the Better

Believe it or not, AI will shine a light on creative individuals

best self-improvement advice, new AI music, Artificial Intelligence future, future of music, self-improvement blog

You’re worried that robots will take your job.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

For years, people assumed the first jobs to be replaced by robots would be labour jobs. They’d be stronger, work longer hours, and not get injured.

The assumption was they would slowly replace the working class.

Now, we know robots (AI) are coming for knowledge work first, and then, they will come for creative work next.

We already see AI writing blogs, and emails and completing mundane tasks with ease.

Even more impressively, we’ve seen incredible AI imagery and video.

That begs the question…

What does this mean for musicians?

AI copycats

AI has started to make music in the style of other artists. For example, it has made music like Drake. Everything from writing the lyrics to creating the vocals and beats.

Over time as AI gets better, some of this music will be indistinguishable from the original artists' music.

This is similar to how humans learn.

First, we start by learning how to play songs by famous artists, and over time, we start to write our own music.

This could be a bad thing, but it could also be a good thing for artists who approach this dilemma creatively.

If an artist had AI helping them make music, they could produce music faster.

On the other hand, they could put their stamp of approval on specific AI-created music, take a cut of the profits, and create a new stream of income.

They’d have a never-ending source of new music and all they’d have to do was work with a computer or listen and approve.

What this means is that a musician’s brand will matter more than ever.

People will follow a musician because their stamp of approval is more valuable than the next artist.

This is not so different than how a lot of producers function nowadays.

The average will fall

Once AI has perfected copying artists, it will start to create new unique music. It will be able to easily mix music based on a database (chosen by its creator) from all the most talented people and create a new fusion.

It will create an AI avatar that looks like (or doesn’t) a human, music videos, social profiles, and everything else in between.

This sounds scary for musicians out there, but it doesn’t have to be.

All this means is that those who are average will no longer have a chance. If a musician wants to make it, they will have to be clearly better than the rest.

Those with average branding and personalities will fall.

Those with average levels of talent will fall.

Those who aren’t unique will fall. 

And those who aren’t completely committed will never rise to begin with.

Creativity will be necessary

The most important thing for musicians to succeed in an age of AI will be creativity.

If your music sounds like the rest of the musicians, it will be easily duplicated by AI.

If your brand and look are basic, you will be easily duplicatable.

Consumers of music will want to see creativity shine. They’ll want something new because they’ll be hearing so much music that is created based on datasets of music that already exist.

While AI musicians will have their fans, there will always be room for human musicians.

Creativity is using old experiences, memories and information and then creating something new and unique.

Humans are more likely to gravitate towards musicians because they’ll appreciate that creativity.

That’s what art is all about in the first place. All AI will do is make that truer than ever.

Stories and talent will matter most

When it comes down to it, AI cannot create a new story that humans can resonate with simply because it wouldn’t be real.

American Idol is popular because they continuously share the stories of those auditioning on their show.

From the first audition, you have your favourite contestant because you want to see this musician succeed based on their story and their unique talent.

Think about it. 

Would you rather follow a musician on Instagram who only posts new music or one who shares what they’re going through, why they made this new song and the adventures they’re on?

Fans of Taylor Swift love following her every move. They feel like she’s relatable, and real and is willing to communicate with them.

They love this story and as a result, she has catapulted to levels of success that few have ever seen.

Storytelling is going to be everything. 

Humans love trying to relate to someone who seems out of reach and the only way they can do that is if the story is told well.

Artificial intelligence will force all musicians to share their talent, and stories and if they are not compelling enough, they will never make it.

It will be a unique combination of both that will make a musician stand out.

Music will be better than ever

To wrap it up, AI will raise the baseline of what it takes for a musician to become famous.

They will need to have it all.

The combination of talent, a good story, creativity and a strong personal brand will be the only way for musicians to find massive success.

Sure, there is a slim chance someone can thrive on talent alone. But, that talent will need to be immense.

What that means is that we as consumers of music will get the best music we’ve ever heard.

Thanks for reading.

Be love.


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