How to Improve Your Life in 5 Easy Steps
Step 1: Analyze where you are, and why you’re there.
Step 2: Set powerful goals
Step 3: Make a realistic plan
Step 4: Keep readjusting
Step 5…
The Only Thing Preventing Your Success is Yourself!
The biggest problem with aspiring entrepreneurs is that they are still just… aspiring.
Instead of taking the leap, a risk, and starting a business, they sit around complaining about how they need to wait until they have more money, resources or time.
7 Helpful Coping Mechanisms I Use to Deal With Seasonal Depression
Over the past few years, I’ve been experimenting with different ways to help myself cope with seasonal depression. Before that, I simply figured that winter meant it was time to hibernate like a bear and avoid the outdoors at all costs.
Chances Are…You Have Enough Time to Start a (Successful) Business
Not everyone needs to be Elon Musk working 120 hours a week even after making billions, but everyone needs to be willing to put in extra time and effort to build a business.
So, if spending your 5 remaining hours each day building a business or 1000 hours a year educating yourself sounds like a burden to you, don’t bother. You don’t have what it takes.
Let Arnold Schwarzenegger Teach You 6 Timeless Lessons
Everyone has something to teach you, but view can teach you as much as Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold has excelled in bodybuilding, politics, acting, business, and many more areas. If you want to be great, learn from Arnold.
7 Little Tells That Reveal Your True Personality
If you can learn to pick up on the little tells people put off, you can save yourself a lot of time, and pain. There are ways you can see people’s true personalities within the first few minutes of meeting them. This is useful if you’re on a date, or just meeting someone new.