7 Little Tells That Reveal Your True Personality

There are little things that you do that will give away who you are.

how to read people, self-improvement advice, entrepreneur tips, advice for new entrepreneurs, personality test, mindset shift

Being able to tell someone’s true personality can be an extremely valuable skill to have.

Whether you are on a first date, interviewing someone for a job, or just spending time with new acquaintances, knowing someone’s true personality can save you a lot of pain and stress.

How often have you found yourself noticing something in your friends (or partner) and thinking to yourself, “I had no idea this person was like this…”.

I have good news for you! There are little tells that you can pick up over time that will reveal one’s true personality!

How you treat service staff

This is the easiest way to tell if someone has a secret dark (or rude) side. 

The server comes up to take your order, and the person you’re with won’t even look at them when they’re ordering, they don’t say please and thank you, or they snap at them for making a mistake.

Bad news. You’re likely sharing a meal with an asshole.

Service staff is there to… serve you. It is in their best interest to do a good job because they want a good tip so they can feed themselves, and probably their family.

If someone is rude to a worker who is serving them, imagine how they’ll treat you when you do something wrong.

Do you keep your word?

“I would rather be accused of breaking precedents than breaking promises.” - John F. Kennedy

You are your word - your reputation and trust matter.

The moment you start breaking your word, no one can trust you anymore.

If you don’t keep your word then you have now shown that you are disloyal and dishonest. 

Who wants to be around someone like that?

How you shake hands

A strong handshake tells someone you are confident in yourself, and many people say that it shows you are open-minded and trustworthy.

However, too strong of a handshake can also catch people by surprise. This might tell others you are full of yourself or are trying to display your dominance, and could make them treat you with caution.

Meanwhile, a flimsy handshake shows that you are not confident, and people might think they can walk all over you.

A simple handshake can tell you a lot.

The calibre of your complaints

Few things are more annoying than someone who complains about every little thing that is happening. 

If you are complaining about everything in front of others, many of them will assume that you will find something about them to complain about when they’re not around.

And they likely want you to shut up.

It also shows others that you are critical and they won’t feel as at ease when being around you.

You can safely assume the same about someone you hear complaining constantly.

How you dress yourself

You don’t have to be a GQ model (or whatever fashion website you subscribe to), but you should wear clean unwrinkled clothes, and dress according to whatever occasion you are attending.

Let’s say you are on a first date and your shirt is dirty. If your shirt is dirty, what do you think this person will think your house looks like?

Or let’s say you are attending a suit and tie event and wear a T-shirt and jeans. This will tell others that you don’t pay attention to detail, and honestly just don’t care.

Not caring is not cool despite what some people will tell you.

These things are revealing.

How frequently you check your phone

99% of us have an addiction to our cell phones. The frequency we check our cell phones can be really revealing.

Using the first date example again, if you are checking your phone often, you’re sending your date the message that they are not interesting.

Your cell phone is likely important given that a lot of us work on it, but make sure to read the room and know when it is appropriate to pull it out. 

Otherwise, you might look like a dick.

Whether or not you are punctual

The majority of us these days are quite busy. So, it can be understandable if you are late occasionally.

However, if you are not punctual, you are sending the message that you don’t think the other person’s time is valuable and that they are not as important as you are.

Setting a time to meet with someone, and being late, is both rude and another revealing tell.

But, sometimes you can’t control it. Have the courtesy to let the other person know you are going to be late… always let the person know. 

I mean, unless you really don’t care about the other person’s time. In which case, yet again, you are inconsiderate, and kind of an asshole.

Closing remarks

It’s just as important to be aware of the little signs you send someone with your behaviour as it is to be able to read these signs in others.

Being aware of these tells will not only help you send the right message to those around you but will also help you save yourself time and effort when dealing with others. 

AKA, helps you avoid spending too much time with people who only care about themselves.

What are other little tells you’ve noticed that people give off that reveal their true personality?

Thanks for reading!

Be love

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