Effective Self-Improvement Starts With Changing Your Self-Identity
self-improvement, mindset Nikola Maharajh self-improvement, mindset Nikola Maharajh

Effective Self-Improvement Starts With Changing Your Self-Identity

You will struggle to improve your life if you don’t change how you see yourself.

YouTube videos, books and coaches won’t do you much good if every time you look in the mirror you see a disappointment.

Simply put, the person you believe you are, shapes your whole life. It affects the choices you make, habits you adopt and goals you set.

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Confronting Mortality: Accepting the Inevitable Makes Life Beautiful
self-improvement, spirituality, mindset Nikola Maharajh self-improvement, spirituality, mindset Nikola Maharajh

Confronting Mortality: Accepting the Inevitable Makes Life Beautiful

You can choose to approach your unknown inevitable death and fear it, or you can approach it with the mentality that it is the end of this current experience and the start of a new one.

For all you know, this experience may be the “hell” that you hear about, a tortuous experience and the next one could be a heavenly experience of sorts.

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You Will Never Grow If You Don’t Take Responsibility For Your Actions
self-improvement, Self-Love, mindset Nikola Maharajh self-improvement, Self-Love, mindset Nikola Maharajh

You Will Never Grow If You Don’t Take Responsibility For Your Actions

People who don’t take responsibility for their actions slow down human progress.

And on a micro scale, they’re preventing themselves from growing as individuals.

From the time we were born, we’ve been learning from our mistakes. We tried to walk, fell, got back up, adjusted, repeated and eventually figured it out.

The fall is what taught us better.

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Beyond Biases: How Self-Knowledge Shapes Your Life

Beyond Biases: How Self-Knowledge Shapes Your Life

A lack of self-knowledge is the curse most people suffer from.

If you don’t understand yourself before entering the world, you won’t understand it either.

Your upbringing, cultural background, religion, and every memory you have affect how you view the world, what you laugh at, enjoy, love, and how you make decisions.

Being self-aware of this is not enough.

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The Single Most Important Life Hack That No Guru (aside from Andrew Huberman) Will Tell You
self-improvement, mindset, Life Hacks, discipline Nikola Maharajh self-improvement, mindset, Life Hacks, discipline Nikola Maharajh

The Single Most Important Life Hack That No Guru (aside from Andrew Huberman) Will Tell You

The anterior mid-cingulate cortex is a part of the brain that is crucial for the drive to live. Sounds important right?

It gets better.

This part of the brain is bigger in those who are obese and force themselves to go to the gym.

That’s because you can only grow that part of your brain by doing things that you DON’T want to do.

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