The Best Superpower for Entrepreneurs to Have in 2024

If you want to fulfill your full potential as an entrepreneur in 2024 - it is time to master AI prompting!

How to use AI, Artificial Intelligence news, advice for entrepreneurs, self-improvement tips, entrepreneur mindset, AI prompt

As an entrepreneur, you need to be constantly trying to find a way to get an edge in your industry.

You’ve been pouring thousands of hours to get your business running, finding any way to make it profit (exhausting, am I right?).

Recent technological advancements have a bright side (as daunting as they can be). Now, there are new ways entrepreneurs can leverage their time to get more done quicker than ever.

There is a lot to learn, but if you put in a bit of time now, you will save thousands of hours in the long run!

In 2024, an entrepreneur's greatest superpower will be the power to prompt AI effectively.

What does AI prompting mean?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that there are new technologies such as Chat GPT, Google Gemini, Grok and MidJourney which allow you to get copy written, draft emails, find information, create images, and much more.

It’s incredible!

AI prompting is what we call it when you provide instructions to the AI model on what to do. This is how AI knows what content to produce for you.

If you’ve used AI before (if you haven’t… you should spend hours messing around with it) you’ll understand that a poor prompt can lead to a sub-par answer.

The ability to prompt AI effectively can be the difference between an 80 IQ response, and an 140 IQ response.

Simply put, AI prompting is how you get the desired output you are looking for.

This is why good AI prompting is so valuable.

Entrepreneurs are constantly completely mindless tasks. In recent years, you’ve likely gotten used to getting virtual assistants to complete a lot of these tasks for you.

AI is here now though.

With the rise of AI, anyone who knows how to use it can make their workflow 10x more efficient.

Programmers can use it to help type code faster, writers can use it to help write drafts or research for them, and students can use it as a partner on their projects.

Becoming a great AI prompter will give you the ability to become a 10x worker!

For example, just over a year ago, when you wanted to create a website but had no imagery, you had to spend hours searching through royalty-free image sites for the perfect pictures. 

Now, you can prompt Midjourney and get an image in seconds.

Even for copywriting, unless you’re a good writer, you either had to hire someone, or spend hours trying to do it yourself. 

Now, you can go into ChatGPT and get a pretty good copy.

Being a good AI prompter becomes even more powerful when you have virtual assistants. 

You might have one (or some) right now and you’re thinking you don’t need AI because you already have workers to do these tasks.

But, if you train your virtual assistants to become master AI prompters as well, you are now not only leveraging labour, but you are also leveraging AI.

Here are some of the best use cases for AI that can help you with your business:

  • Doing research

  • Re-formating notes

  • To help you code faster

  • Writing copy for websites

  • Generating images for blogs, websites, emails, etc

  • Coming up with names for businesses, projects, etc

  • Ad optimization for digital advertisements (captions, etc)

  • Customer service chatbots to give a more personal experience

How to become a master AI prompter.

AI (as you know) is still a very new technology and it is constantly evolving. There are very few people, if any, that can call themselves master AI prompters.

With that in mind, the best way you can get better at prompting AI in 2024, is by practicing.

I know that is a boring answer, but like most things, you just need to get some reps in.

Now, keep in mind that you need to keep trying new things when you are practicing. You have to try more complex prompts, and different wording, get descriptive, and push the AI engine a little further to keep refining answers.

You can also let the AI engine know what kind of emotion you want the answer to hold. And, always make sure to let it know the reason you are asking the question. If you give details about your business, it will answer more effectively.

Aside from just practicing, you should research what other people are doing.

You can easily do this by following some good accounts on X, subscribing to AI newsletters, and following AI YouTube channels.

There are plenty of people who are trying to stay one step ahead and are sharing all their learnings to gain a following. Follow them and learn from them.

By practicing on your own, and learning from those who are at the forefront, you will be able to become a master AI prompter in 2024.


Becoming great a AI prompting in 2024 can help you as an entrepreneur make better use of your time.

Instead of spending hours doing mindless tasks and typing out emails, copying and all the other jazz, you can get AI to help you so that you can focus on the tasks that will give you the most profit.

If you want to 10x your output, learn to use AI. Everyone else is and the last thing you want to do is to fall behind!

Thanks for reading

Be love


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