Living Beyond Reality: Lessons Learned From 90 Nights of Continuous Dreams

I lived 2 lives simultaneously

science of dreaming, learning from dreams, how to be great, dream blog, self-improvement blog, self-help advice

For over 3 months, I was living 2 completely different lives.

(It’s more unusual than you think)

My first life was my normal life. I would wake up, work out, eat, work and so on.

My second life started every night when I fell asleep. The dreams I was having were so vivid, connected and meaningful that I swore they were real.

Within a few days, my dream life was more exciting than my normal one.

The craziest part was every time I fell asleep, my dream continued from where it left off.

Not only was I completely aware I was dreaming, but I also had full control from start to finish.

How it all started

I smoked a lot of weed for far too many years. I would go in multiple-month spurts, on and off, and would smoke multiple grams per day during those spurts.

It was gross.

But, it had a weird upside. At least… quitting did anyway.

Anytime I stopped smoking, my dreams became extremely real, controllable and connected.

This 3 months continuous dream I speak of though, was by far the wildest period.

I had been smoking regularly before quitting for close to a year at this point. I knew that every time I stopped, my dreams got crazy, but I never expected this.

It was incredible.

I don’t know about you, but I have an obsession with Avatar The Last Airbender. I’d been binge-watching it before quitting, so when I quit… I became the Avatar.

In my first dream, I was on a beach with some friends. And then, we got attacked.

I somehow immediately knew I was dreaming and started controlling the water and flying around to defend my friends and the others at the beach.

This battle lasted a few days.

Every time I fell back asleep, I still had my powers and could do anything I wanted.

This power made me more excited about my dream life, than my real one.

It was the ultimate adventure

To say it was an adventure is an understatement. Imagine being able to do whatever you wanted in a world similar to the one we live in now.

  • I could fly

  • Ride a bear

  • Drive supercars

  • Control elements

  • Attend crazy parties

  • Dive deep into the ocean and breathe

  • Talk to people I admire, dead and alive

  • Ask myself questions after having created clones

After a few days of fighting a battle on the beach, I realized that fighting was unnecessary. If this was a dream, I could just make it end.

So, it did.

Realizing that not fighting would make the fighting end was something I took with me into the future days.

I walked through the jungle and was bothered by a snake, so I decided instead it would be a friend.

After that, I was at a party and wanted to leave. Instead of worrying what others would think if I left early, I simply flew away.

As I flew in the sky, I could see all the stars. I wondered what the North Star would look like up close, so I flew there in a matter of minutes.

Along my journey to the North Star, I flew by many other beautiful stars only to conclude that at different angles, stars all look beautiful.

When I got to the North Star, it talked to me. 

The star told me to look back at the world. As I turned around to see the world, I couldn’t see anything. So, I told the star that.

All it said was, “Exactly”.

The star was pointing out something simple. 

Even with the ability to control everything and do anything I wanted, my presence was still insignificant. 

Everything functioned without me. The world doesn’t need me.

A sense of relief came over me.

When I got back to the earth, I went back to the beach and relaxed.

My 2 lives started to blur

About 9 weeks into my continuous dreams, I was having trouble figuring out what happened in real life, and what happened in my dreams.

When things would happen in real life, I would swear they had already happened.

Embarrassingly, multiple times, I tried to use the force to pick up objects on tables or to close the door.

Occasionally in my dream life, I couldn’t resist but to fly around. The rest of the time though, I went for walks, watched the wind blow in the trees and talked to people I love.

I realized if I wanted to benefit my real life, I should use my dream life to learn new things instead of doing things that are technically not possible. This new idea was like adding 50% more hours to my day.

So, every time I went to sleep, I would talk to people I would never have access to.

I regularly had conversations with Albert Einstein, Elon Musk, Sadhguru, Alan Watts and many others.

Albert told me to follow my curiosity. He said it wouldn’t let me down and to use it as a compass.

Elon told me no matter what I do, I will have to work hard. He told me not to underestimate myself, and to continue to challenge my brain.

Sadhguru told me to lead with love. He encouraged me to let go of the past and come back to the present.

Alan told me that I’m both in control and not in control. He told me to get comfortable with that fact and to accept that everything is a lot closer and more connected than we believe.

As time went on though, the conversations I had with myself in real life were just as intriguing.

I was coming up with similar conclusions.

Eventually, each time I would dream, I would talk to myself instead, and that was it.

I’d wake up on the beach, meditate, think, talk, and come back.

How it all ended

In my waking life, I started meditating more often. The moments, conversations and time with myself were what I looked forward to most.

After 3 months of having the same dream, my dreams started to feel like reality again.

This time, it wasn’t because I thought I could control the elements or use the force, it was because I enjoyed time with myself more than anything.

I had learned to love myself.

Not because I had accomplished something, had powers or was uniquely special in any way.

I loved myself simply because I had learned to enjoy my mind.

That’s something few people can say.

Thanks for reading.

Be love


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