I Spent One Day As An Optimist. It Was... Awesome.

What’s It Like Being Ridiculously Happy All The Time?

what optimism, self improvement, self growth, growth mindset, positivity affirmations, positive mindset, life hack, self love

What are your best days like? 

Mine are always where I’m super positive all day. As the day goes on, each good things start happening and my mood compounds as it just keeps on getting better.

Literally the opposite of the bad days.

The only thing that’s different, is my mindset.

When you have control over your mindset, you have control over how your day goes, and with practice, you can make nearly every day, a good day.

Our mindset is everything, that’s why I’m writing this blog. 

I will take you through my entire day with my Positive-Polly goggles on.

I also wrote the opposite, Inside The Mind Of A Pessimist. Warning, that one is exhausting.

You’ll appreciate this one much more.

I woke up today with the sun shining through my window. Love it, the sun always makes me happy.

I look to my side and see my beautiful girlfriend still asleep. I feel so lucky to have her in my life. I get to wake up and fall asleep next to the girl I love.

As always I start my morning routine with my breathing and meditation.

Not the best, but not the worse for either session. I’m just glad I had this time to myself though.

As I’m getting ready for the gym my business partner texts me that we aren’t going to the gym, and a meeting has been cancelled. Guess we have some more time to catch up on other work!

I do some quick push-ups, and sit-ups, and stretch a little so I can still get something physical in.

It’s super cold outside today, so I practice my breathing as I walk to my car. May as well make use of this cold weather!

Glad I have my SUV too, it’s so good in the winter.

I forgot to download new podcasts on my phone so I put on some of my brother’s music on instead. This will get me pumped up!

The traffic is really bad and that often stresses me out. I switch the music to meditation music and do some deep breathing as I drive.

This is relaxing. More time to myself, not bad!

During this time to myself, I had the chance to go over some of the marketing we’re planning for the launch of our new business. This has a lot of potential.

I get to his house and walk in and sneeze. My allergies are bad. So, I ask him if we can work at a coffee shop, and he says yes, of course.

The coffee is so good, especially in this weather.

We go over all the past events and take note of what we could have done differently, and what worked. There were some complaints we need to go through so we can produce the best product possible.

After going through all this I feel good about what’s to come. We get better each time.

And now we have these two new projects we’re working on. Soon we will be able to focus more on what I enjoy.

My hard work will pay off.

We’ve been working so long that we forgot to eat! I’m so hungry, but so happy with the progress we made.

I go to drop him off at home.

On my way home, I turned back on my meditation music and go over what I had to do. I remember to stop to get gas. Good thing I remembered, that would have sucked in the morning.

I get home into my warm house and feel a certain sense of gratitude to have the privilege of having a nice home to sleep in.

I’m hungry.

Going to the fridge I remember there are no leftovers. Might as well make the best of it... I text my girlfriend and ask her if she wants to get dinner.

Done deal.

She arrives late and I’m still starving. On the bright side, I got some reading done while I waited on her. Less work to do later!

We have a great little date and get back home to watch some Netflix and relax. I’m writing a new blog post while she does schoolwork.

I love how we can both sit next to each other, do work, say no words, and still be perfectly happy to be in each other’s presence.

Turning around to look at her, and she was already looking at me smiling. We kiss. I love her.

We get up to get ready for bed. I want to brush my teeth, but I ran out of toothpaste. Lucky for me she has some extra.

I lay in bed ready to pass out and she reminds me to write a bit in my journal. As I write, she gets her stuff ready for her practicum tomorrow. 

We lay down and I give her a kiss goodnight, shut off the light and close my eyes.

I love my warm, comfy bed. 

I love my life and I cannot wait for this weekend to go watch my brother DJ.

Goodnight world.

To conclude, my day was awesome.

If I’m being honest, all it took was me reminding myself that there might be a bright side to each situation. As I reminded myself there’s a positive side, it allowed me to be able to find the positive.

This is something we can each do each day.

Our mindset and our outlook affect how we take in every interaction and every moment.

We are the ones interpreting the music we hear and the things we see. By gaining control over our mindset we can take in life with a happy tone, and life becomes more enjoyable.

Try it.

Until next time,

Be Love

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