How To Get Rich By Felix Dennis - A 300-Word Book Review

One of the World’s Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets

Felix Dennis, Maxim Magazine Founder, How To Get Rich, Book Review,  Self improvement, self improvement books

Rating: 8.5/10
Pages: 287
Time To Finish:1 week
Where To Purchase: Amazon

What’s It About?

Exactly what it sounds like.

The founder of Maxim Magazine, Felix Dennis, who was worth over 400 million dollars, tells the reader how to get rich with no filter.

From start to end he goes through 8 basic rules he stands by to help you get rich. 

Most of these rules you may already know, but I love how he explains them.

He’s made mistakes, he’s had successes, and he tells it all.

My Favorite Parts

I love how blunt Felix is. He truly tells it how it is.

At one point he straight up says: “If the odds of getting rich put you off, then you deserve to stay poor.” He’s wild.

A lot of people like to romanticize entrepreneurship. Felix does not. He says that you must be willing to put in more hours, you must be willing to sacrifice, and you must believe you are good enough. It’s so true and yet so few understand that.

Felix also goes over some stoic lessons that are repeated by many. You must be bold, you must act on the opportunity the moment you see it. If you hesitate, you will miss your shot.

I see that as a problem for many. There is always hesitation. You just have to go for it.

Who Should Read It

You’re probably able to guess this one… If you want to get rich, read this book. 

It is filters off, a guide of how to get rich. By the end of this book, you’ll know if you have it in you to be truly rich.

Additional Thoughts

This book doesn’t encourage get-rich schemes at all. It’s about what kind of person you have to become if you want to be rich. 

While Felix talks about luck, but he states clearly that you have to prepare yourself for luck.

This is a great lesson.

Prepare yourself for opportunity because when it comes you have to be ready. You can get lucky, but you are more likely to succeed if you are prepared.

Thanks for reading, and until next time,

Be Love

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