Breaking Into The Mind Of A Pessimist

What’s It Like Being Constantly Negative?

pessimist, negative emotions, negative thinking, bad mood, always in a bad mood, not happy, negative mindset

Do you ever have those days when everything seems to be going wrong no matter what you do? Where your mind starts to double down on the negativity and it keeps compounding throughout the day?

It sucks and then the next day comes and everything changed.

Things are great, but in reality, nothing is actually that different from the previous day, just our mindset.

Our mindset is everything. When you look at things with the eyes of a pessimist, your mindset deteriorates.

The plan for today is to write down everything that I went through, however, I’m going to look at everything with my negative-Nancy goggles on. 

This is probably going to be exhausting… for you to read, and for me to write.

What I hope this will do though, is shed some light on just how tiring it is to be negative. Maybe that’ll inspire you, and me, to put extra effort to be more positive.

(Try to) Enjoy!

It’s morning and I opened my eyes a little earlier than I wanted.

My girlfriend is on my side of the bed, again. It’s so annoying because I hate waking up in the middle of the night. Last night I woke up 4 times because of her.

Now, I won’t be able to meditate properly. I never meditate properly if I have a bad sleep. I’ll just get on with my day and hopefully, things change.

I was getting ready and then I got a text from my business partner. He doesn’t want to go to the gym today and two of our important meetings cancelled… okay then…

Okay, let’s get on with it.

I walk up to my car and realize I forgot to start it and it’s -30 outside. I hate the cold and on top of this, I have to drive this giant SUV which I can’t stand.

I miss my Porsche.

I need a car wash.

As I get inside my boat of an SUV, I realized I forgot to download my podcasts for the day which means I have to use up my data. 

Oh, and I’m low on window washer fluid. I’ll have to grab some later when I get gas. Oh yeah, gas is expensive right now… sweet.

I start driving and realize the time, there’s going to be rush hour. Everyone always drives so slowly, it’s so annoying. No one wants to go to work and here I am trying to start working asap.

Trying to make money here! I gotta make up for what I lost over the lockdowns.

Ugh, so many failures, so many mistakes.

I finally get to my business partner’s house and slip on the steps on the way into his house. Ow! My knee. 

The moment I walk into the house I sneeze. God damn dogs.

One of the meetings that were cancelled was our lunch meeting. I was really looking forward to getting Chinese for lunch.

Okay, let’s get to work.

While doing the budget for our next event, we realized it’ll cost more than 30k extra than we were planning. That’s not good.

Plus, it’s impossible to charge more for tickets in this city without everybody complaining about the price.

It’s so annoying, it becomes borderline impossible to make a profit, and no one appreciates the work, not to mention the financial risk.

I hate doing events.

High risk, low profits, no reward. What’s the point? I want to focus on work where I make money so I can relax and move forward in life. I don’t think I’m doing that as is.

Shit, it’s 3 pm and we haven’t even eaten yet.

Man, I only had one cup of water, my headache is getting worse and I can’t stop sneezing.

I look outside and it’s snowing…

I get in my car and remember I'm still low on gas, and window washer fluid. Traffic is horrible again and everyone is driving like an idiot.

Drive in the snow, I can’t see the potholes properly and smacked a few of them. This is going to wreck my stupid car.

I pull up to my house and see that I forgot to get gas again… I have 15 km left of range. This is going to be tight in the morning.

I get home and all there is to eat is rice and beans.

Oh, wait! There’s chicken!

Shit, it’s mouldy. God damn it. Nothing is going my way.

At least my girlfriend is coming over! She always makes me feel better…

Two hours late, she finally arrives. I’m already in a chronically bad mood and nothing is making me feel better. I’m giving her attitude and I know I am, but still am anyways despite my best efforts not to.

I’m literally annoying myself and her. I just want to get to bed.

My girlfriend and I agree to watch Netflix together to shut off my brain after a uselessly stressful day. Yet, we can’t agree on a show.

Whatever, I’ll just watch what she wants.

Getting ready for bed, I see that I’m out of toothpaste. Now, my mouth is going to be all gross in the morning. 

We go to bed and I’m in a bad mood. I turn around because I just want this day to end. I’m laying down and realize that I forgot to write in my journal, didn’t do my reading and now it’s too late to do either.

Forget it. This day sucks.

Goodnight world. I bet tomorrow will be more of the same thing.

Is there a tomorrow if I don’t get any sleep? Or is it still today…

Anyways, goodnight.

That was exhausting to write. It’s even more exhausting to live that way.

I’m sure you agree, it’s in our best interest to do anything to change our negative mindset when we get in that mode to stop it from snowballing…

So how do we do that?

You have to change your state.

Next, I will write about how pleasant it is to be inside the mind of an optimist.

Until then

Be Love

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