5 Ways to Challenge Yourself to Overcome Laziness

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It’s far too easy to sit around and do nothing.

You might be a little tired, feel sore or believe you’ve earned a break. But, these feelings are often used as excuses to help fuel your laziness.

Once in a while, we fall into these laziness traps and need to climb out.

You know… those times when you pull out your phone for a dopamine boost and get sucked in for hours. This breeds laziness.

And, being lazy is not something you want to get used to.

Here are 5 ways to challenge yourself to overcome your laziness!

1. Wake up early and stop snoozing

You, like nearly everyone else, have the bad habit of hitting snooze on your alarm a few too many times every morning.

One of the best habits you can pick up is to set your alarm, wake up early, and get up when it rings.

If you know you’re going to need extra sleep and do have more time to sleep, just set your alarm 15 minutes later.

There is little benefit to having those extra few snooze minutes.

It creates a habit of delaying what needs to be done.

So, kill your laziness by listening to your alarm. 

This will build discipline and create a healthy relationship with your bed improving your sleep in the long run.

2. Do some physical activity every single day

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never met any lazy people who do some sort of physical activity every single day.

You don’t need to work out for 2 hours every day. 

Instead, create the habit of doing something easier. This could be a brisk walk, any sort of workout, playing a sport or whatever else you can come up with.

By creating this habit, you can then work on increasing how long and how intense your physical activity is.

This healthy habit will destroy your laziness and whip you into good shape in no time.

Get moving!

3. Read a minimum amount of pages every day

In the same way, people who are active each day are not lazy, people who read every day are not dumb.

If you’re reading this, chances are you are not afraid of reading. So, that’s a good sign.

But, how many pages do you read every day, if any?

When I first started reading regularly, I had trouble reading more than 10 pages a day. So, that’s all I did.

After that though, I started to increase my reading. 

I moved to 20 pages a day and then 25. Now, I read 50+ pages a day 95% of the time.

The goal, just like with physical activity, is to create this healthy habit and then increase your length and intensity.

It will help destroy your laziness and increase your knowledge.

4. Pick a routine and stick to it

People who have a strong routine are far more productive and less lazy than those who don’t.

A routine is an easy way to hold you accountable so that you follow through with your new healthy habits.

Sticking to a routine is not always easy though, especially if you forget your routine.

That’s why you need to put your routine everywhere.

Change the background of your phone to a note of what your routine is.

Write your routine on a piece of paper and put it next to your bed, on your fridge and in your car.

Remind yourself what your routine is everywhere so you never forget! This way, you’ll follow through and destroy your laziness.

5. Get an accountability partner

If all else fails and you can not find the discipline in you to hold yourself accountable and stick to killing your laziness… then you need to get an accountability partner.

This needs to be a person who cares enough about you to message you regularly making sure you are not being lazy.

They need to remind you to go to the gym and check to see how it went.

They need to message you to see if you read and ask what you read about to make sure you aren’t lying.

Whatever you want to challenge yourself to do, this person is there to make sure you’re doing it.

Pro tip: The best person to pick as your accountability partner is a friend who likes digging into you. They’ll be on your ass making sure you’re putting in the work.

Closing thoughts

Don’t let laziness get the best of you. To remain productive, and to continue to improve yourself, you need to avoid falling into lazy traps.

When you notice yourself getting lazy, set challenges to make sure you stop.

And then, create routines to help you stick with your challenges.

Put that routine on paper, and remind yourself every day.

You gotta keep moving forward.

Thanks for reading

Be love


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