The Underrated Joy of an Early Morning

From night-owl to morning person

Benefits of a morning routine, self-improvement hacks, growth mindset, best self-improvement blog, best self-help advice

It wasn’t until I finally started waking up early regularly did I realize how much better it is.

For years, due to working until 2-6 am, I would sleep late, and wake up losing hours of daylight. I got so used to being “slow” that I thought my below-baseline performance was normal.

When I finally switched my schedule, I suddenly felt better.

My mood shifted and my motivation went up with it. 

On top of that, my energy levels, productivity and strength all followed too.

Let me tell you about the underrated joy of an early morning.

The ultimate mood shift

When you’re in a good mood, everything feels and seems better. Obviously.

You can eat the same donut, and it will taste better. You can watch the same sunset, and you’ll appreciate it more.

(The secret bonus mood boost is watching the sunrise.)

Waking up with the sun in general is great for your mood. You were meant to be awake when it is bright and asleep when it is dark.

Trying to go against your natural sleep cycle negatively affects your mood. And so, waking up and enjoying an early morning will put you in a better mood.

This makes everything you do for the rest of the day much better.

Energy levels that make sense

Have you ever noticed when you sleep in too late, you get tired randomly?

Even days later, the time when you have energy and don’t, make no sense.

Waking up with the sun and enjoying your early morning means your energy levels will regulate. You’ll have energy at the same time every day, the times when you should have energy, and you’ll get tired when you need to sleep.

If you’re like most people and have a weird, irregular, often terrible sleep schedule, I bet you’re likely complaining you’re tired often and haven’t been able to fix it.

Start sleeping earlier and waking up with the sun and watch your energy levels change.

Becoming a productive machine

The majority of people who get serious amounts of work done are waking up early. In a previous blog post, I talked about how early ultra-successful people wake up.

You should do the same.

There is a different energy when you are around productive people. It makes you want to be more productive too. You simply become more efficient.

You need to be on the same wavelength as these ultra-successful people if your goal is to be like them.

Even if your goal is not success, but happiness instead - these morning hours with the sun up which you are missing are what you need to be productive in the field of self-love. 

You can use that same time to focus on yourself and increase your overall happiness. The joy you’ll get in turn is underrated.

No matter what your focus is, consistent productivity is the key.

Routine. Routine. Routine

I will never stop telling you how important a strong routine is. It is how you get anything done and it is how you maintain your wellbeing.

You will have a damn hard time keeping a good routine if you are constantly waking up late.

The world is awake during the day. 

You need to be awake during the day too if you are to amount to anything significant or even if you just want to socialize civilly.

Sticking to the early morning routine improves your mood, and energy levels and keeps you productive.

This is the routine you need to follow.

I took it for granted for years. Once I made the switch to the early morning routine, I realized what I was missing out on.

The joy you get from sipping your first-morning beverage while watching the sunrise, whether it’s coffee, tea or AG1, is tough to match.

When I started waking up early, I lost weight and started working out more regularly, my mood improved, my energy levels rose, I started reading daily and my days made sense.

That is how you get into a healthy routine.

This is how you progress.

Closing Thoughts

It’s hard to explain the joy you get from waking up early every morning to someone who has not tried it consistently. Plus, those who have been doing it their whole lives, take it for granted.

Waking up with the sun is the most natural thing to do. You were meant to do it, and you feel it when you start to do otherwise.

If you’re looking to add more joy, productivity, or consistency to your life, adjust your schedule so you can get the most out of your mornings.

You won’t regret it.

Thanks for reading

Be love


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