5 Questions to Ask Yourself When You Aren’t Making Progress

Life requires constant movement forward

Make progress in 2024, productivity tips 101, how to be great, self-improvement blog, self-help advice

Have you ever felt you aren’t making any progress? You know, the feeling where the days all feel the same and nothing new ever happens…

It’s a draining sensation. 

Life requires constant movement forward to feel valued in society and to feel fulfilled. Often though, figuring out how to move forward is difficult.

I can’t tell you the solution because it’s never one-size-fits-all. But, I can tell you the solution will be easier to find if you start asking the right questions.

These 5 questions are a great place to start!

1. What makes me happy?

This question is much more difficult to answer than most of us would like to admit. When you do have the answer though, it changes your life.

If you know what makes you happy, you will never again have to question what you should be doing. If you never have to ask yourself that question, you won’t ever feel stuck.

You’ll always be putting time into something that fulfills you.

Hence, the first question you should ask yourself is: “What makes me happy?”.

2. What makes me unhappy?

One of the main reasons you might be feeling stuck is because you are unhappy. But, sometimes, identifying what is making you unhappy is also difficult.

It’s usually the subtle things that you are not aware of which are affecting you.

  • You aren’t eating properly

  • You aren’t working out regularly

  • You aren’t getting enough sleep

  • You haven’t been socializing enough

  • You haven’t spent time in the sunlight or nature in general

These are small things, but quite often what is making you unhappy.

It can often be much bigger than this though. That’s why working on self-awareness consistently is important.

The more easily you can Identify what is making you unhappy, the more fulfilled and happy you will be.

3. What are my goals?

A big reason you aren’t moving forward is because you either don’t have goals or you aren’t doing anything to make meaningful progress towards achieving them.

Progress is the keyword.

If you aren’t making progress in your life, you will start to feel like you have hit a plateau. You will feel stuck.

So, you need to make goals and if you already have goals, then you need to get back on track.

Identify your goals, determine how to get back on track, and start moving forward once again.

4. Who is living the life I want to be living?

It’s very easy to feel stuck if you can’t even decide what you want to be doing or where you want to go.

How can you pick goals if you have nothing you want to strive for?

One of the ways I like to identify goals is by finding people who have something I want.

That could be specific to a car, lifestyle, house, travel calendar or whatever.

Once you’ve determined who that person is, you can then identify what path you need to take to get there.

Once you get on that path, you’ll start making progress again.

5. What would I do each day if I could do anything I wanted to do?

Imagine that you were in a dream where you could do whatever you wanted. Every day, you would awaken in this dream and have all the power to do whatever you desire.

Sounds pretty sweet, doesn’t it?

What is stopping you from doing that?

Now, you say, “I can’t fly”. If that’s the case, I would say, “touche”.

But, if your dream is realistic, the only thing that is stopping you from doing just that, is yourself.

If you don’t have the money, make a plan on how to get the money, and start working on it

If you don’t have the time, make a plan to get money, and buy yourself the time.

What I’m getting at is that if you could do whatever you wanted to every day, you would no longer feel stuck. You would feel free.

So, tell me again, what’s stopping you from doing whatever you want to do?


At the end of the day, as long as you are making progress in life, you will not feel stuck and you will feel like a valued member of society.

So, if you aren’t making progress, figure out something to work on that will make you feel like you are constantly moving forward.

This could be work-related, a random hobby or even something with your partner.

That’s how you get “unstuck”.

Thanks for reading.

Be love


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