This is Why You Should Stay Humble

For one, you’ll be more likeable

Make progress in 2024, benefits of being humble, how to be great, self-improvement blog, self-help advice

Those who are not humble, get humbled.

I’m sure you’ve heard multiple people give this advice (even Kendrick Lamar). But, it’s easy to look past this timeless advice and feel as if it does not apply to you.

After all, you are humble about the few accomplishments you have, right?

The thing is, if you don’t properly understand why remaining humble is important, eventually a big accomplishment will get to your head and you will be humbled quickly and painfully.

And so, it’s best for you to learn the significance of remaining humble today.

It increases your likeability

If for nothing else, do it for your likeability. Few people like being around those who are not humble. 

We can all agree people who brag are insufferable.

But… you might be cool.

You might be one of those people who don’t care if others like them. The only opinion that matters is your own.

To those I ask, why is it that you don’t care to be likeable?

You have friends who like you, and you appreciate them. You have family who likes you, and you love them. You want to engage in meaningful conversations, advance in society or your workplace and have fun with others.


So, you want to be likeable.

Likeability is why someone like George Washington was able to become president. It’s also why many of the top entrepreneurs can move as far forward in their careers as they have and why some athletes are on TV more than others.

Likeability is directly correlated to success, and to your happiness.

Stay humble. Stay liked.

The biggest losses often follow the biggest wins

This may come as a surprise to you, but the overconfidence which comes from a big win will often lead to your biggest loss.

Let’s say you sold property, stock or company and profited big. Now, since you are not humble, you let this win get to your head and you think you know all there is to know about the world.

Guess what happens next…

You move stupidly and make a big mistake. Time and time again this happens to people and it produces devastating losses.

This happened to me several times trading stocks, crypto and in business. Being humbled after a big win is devastating.

Luckily, I’ve learned my lesson and can move forward intelligently.

Others are often doomed to repeat their mistakes and be humbled more than once.

Take this as a warning. You need to remain humble.

Live in reality

The same overconfidence you get from big wins leads you to live in a false reality.

This false reality is what makes you unlikeable and what leads to big losses. But, on a personal level, it also affects the quality of your life and relationships.

If you live in a world where you think you’re the greatest, unbeatable or untouchable, you are not living in reality.

When you eventually get humbled, it will crush your false reality and often lead to depression or a feeling of loss of purpose.

On top of that, you’ll be lucky if you have real friends left afterwards. Your intolerable behaviour would have chased away the real ones.

It’s very tough to come back from a big loss and that’s if you ever do.

Some people after having their reality shattered are lost for years and never climb out. Others though, come out better than ever. 

Their reality is shattered, they become better people, become more likeable and go on to have bigger wins than ever.

However, I’m sure you would agree, that it is better to live in reality in the first place than to have to go through a major life-altering experience.

How to remain humble

I bet you know a few people who you’d be hard-pressed to believe could ever be humble. Some people may even think that about you…

So, how can one remain humble in the first place?

Let me summarize this into a few quick points.

  1. Practice gratitude: When you acknowledge the positive aspects of your life, it helps you realize that you're not entitled to your life, but rather fortunate to have them. This same gratitude helps you take into account that others around you deserve credit for some of your fortunes.

  2. Fear setting: A practice popularized by Tim Ferriss, fear setting is going through a scenario of what the worst possible thing that could happen to you is. Showing yourself that you could lose it all at any point will help keep you humble.

  3. Meditation: Through regular meditation, your ego tends to naturally calm down. You realize how connected we all are to each other and nature. This connectedness helps remind you that you are no better than anyone else. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

  4. Remain a student: Many of the most successful people would advise you to remain a student of the world. There is always more to learn. If you stop learning, you stop growing. If you feel there is nothing left to learn, you are not challenging yourself. 

  5. Celebrate others: Instead of focusing all on yourself, focus on other people’s wins. As you become proud of others, your energy stops focusing on your successes and is shared with others.

By now, I’m sure you agree it is in your best interest to remain humble. If you fail to, life will punish you and you will learn this lesson the hard way.

Use this as a sign to keep learning and to better yourself.

Thanks for reading

Be love


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