Why Exploring the World Should Be Mandatory

You’re missing out on something beautiful

Explore the world, best reasons to travel, how to be great, self-improvement blog, self-help advice

Passion is often taken for granted by those who don’t have it.

When you witness passion though, it doesn’t matter who you are, it is easy to admire.

You watch a musician playing or singing their heart out and listen in awe. You see an artist painting live and are amazed at the precision and creativity.

Neither would have the talent they possess if not for passion.

You’re probably wondering, “How can I find this passion too?”.

The answer is, “You need to explore the world”.

Take in different cultures

One of the most beautiful things about the world is the numerous incredible cultures. With each one that you explore, you discover new ways of looking at life and how to live.

You’ll also see passion in all sorts of forms and this passion is worth exploring.

Whether it’s someone’s grandma in Italy cooking you a delicious meal or a brewer talking about the delicate attention that is required to make a beer just right… passion is there.

But, what does this have to do with you?

As you explore the world, different parts of different cultures will speak to you.

In Korea, I admired the pride people had for their country. They were passionate about their history, cities and even their appearance. Because of this pride and passion, the roads are clean, people take care of themselves and are polite. 

In Italy, I loved how everywhere I went, the food was delicious. It didn’t matter if it was a fancy restaurant or a gas station, I knew I’d be blown away.

Returning home after exploring, you can take what you learned from other people’s passion and apply it to your life.

You’ll either develop a new passion or nurture whatever passion you already have.

If you’re lucky, both will happen.

You’ll discover things you didn’t know existed

You’re pretty small in the grand scheme of things. Without diving down a universe-size comparison rabbit hole, let’s just compare you to the world.

There are over 8 billion people. 

There are 195 countries.

There are well over 12,000 types of careers.

The more you explore, the more you’ll learn about these people, countries and careers.

This is important because when you find passion, you are much happier. And exploring the world will help you find passion.

You’ll meet people who have hobbies, businesses and jobs you’ve never heard of.

You’ll discover traditions, activities and mindsets you didn’t know existed.

As you continue to explore and continue to discover, the likelihood of you finding passion of your own increases.

That is, as long as you keep an open mind.

Your mindset will expand

One of the benefits of meeting new people and exploring new cultures is your mindset will greatly expand.

People live very differently in North America than they do in Asia, and they also live very differently in Europe than they do in South America.

When you discover how people live, their morals and beliefs, your mindset expands. As your mindset expands, the potential for happiness, love, and passion, grows.

Don’t overlook the impact this can have on your life.

Friends are nice too

As social creatures, we love to connect with others. That is no different on this side of the world than the other.

For this reason, it is very easy to make friends no matter where you go. It’s even easier when you’re somewhere very different because people are curious to learn about you.

Thanks to the wonderful age of technology, you can connect and communicate with these people and remain lifelong friends.

Friends are important for your passions because they can often inspire you or push you to explore even more.

Not to mention these friends may share your passion.

Being connected with all sorts of people is a great benefit of exploring the world.

And the world will keep on spinnin’

It’s easy to get caught up in the dramas of the world when you stay stagnant. 

Every time you turn on the news, you are force-fed other people’s misfortunes. In reality, when you explore, you mainly see all their beauties.

There is beauty everywhere whether you explore it or not. The problem is that without exploring, you are blind to the true beauty of the world.

This beauty ignites passion in the best of us. 

Passion is what creates great food and art. 
Passion is what writes beautiful music and books. 
Passion is what builds great companies and structures. 
And, passion is what lets love grow.

Passion is all around you and it is one of the key ingredients to living a happy life.

Those who have it would not be able to live without it and those who don’t are missing the essence of life.

Passion is all around the world waiting for you.

It’s up to you to go explore, find it and take it home with you.

If you are lucky enough to do this successfully, your life will be exponentially happier.

Thanks for reading

Be love


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