5 Little Habits to Improve Your Wellbeing, and Increase Happiness
Do these 5 things daily to change your life.
Created with Midjourney
Without question, building great habits is one of the best things you can do to help improve your wellbeing.
They’ll create remarkable changes in your life that are difficult to imagine initially. These habits set the stage for consistent progress, and as time passes, that progress becomes increasingly evident.
In just one year, you’ll see incredible changes.
Over the past few years, I’ve put significant time and energy into creating excellent habits that have increased my emotional, mental, physical and overall wellbeing.
To help you to do the same, I have compiled a list of the top 5 habits you can do daily.
Get Cold Exposure
Cold showers & cold plunges have been trending a lot lately, probably thanks to people like Andrew Huberman and Joe Rogan.
Here’s the thing, they’re trending for a great reason.
Cold exposure can be rather painful at first which is why few actually do it, but to be honest, the anticipation leading up to it is worse than the actual feeling of cold hitting your body.
Plus, 60 seconds later you can barely feel the cold, your body adjusts.
In the words of Wim Hof:
“Let your body do, what your body is capable of doing”
Cold showers are shown to shoot up your dopamine by up to 250%. Dopamine simply put, makes you feel good. Aside from simply feeling good afterwards, you’ll find an increase in your focus & energy.
I personally take a cold shower 6-9 times a week.
It’s not hard to start - just take the leap. You won’t regret it.
Explore Meditation
Meditation has been shown to bring you numerous benefits.
Here are a few:
Being present
Peace of mind
Increased patience
Stress management
Increased self-awareness
Reducing negative emotions
Increased creativity and imagination
Out of personal experience, the one that I like the best is peace of mind. Everything is better when you are at peace. You make better decisions, you’re less stressed, and life has a way of just flowing nicely.
If you think about it, the worst-case scenario when you meditate regularly is that you have time alone to think. That time allows you the reflect and have a clear perspective on life.
It’s intimidating at first, to be alone by yourself with your thoughts. Once you get past that though, it’s life-changing.
Trust me on this one. Meditation is one of the greatest life hacks.
Workout Till You Sweat
You’re probably tired of being told to work out regularly, but you are being told that for a reason. Working out is incredibly good for you.
However, I don’t just want to encourage you to work out like everyone else. I want you to work out until you sweat, heavily.
You have to really push yourself because it’s in those moments when you feel like giving up that you can really test yourself. It’s right after these moments that you feel an immense release of stress.
Personally, when I’m really trying to break a sweat, I go to Muay Thai, do hot yoga, or do some skipping between sets.
Push yourself and work out until you sweat.
Find A Way To Socialize
Did you know one of the most common things about serial killers is that they didn’t socialize enough as kids?
We are social creatures and it's incredibly important to do what comes naturally to us - talk to others.
When you socialize you allow yourself to bounce your thoughts off of others. Socializing gives you a sense of belonging to a community, creating meaningful connections and some studies show it may even help you live longer.
We have all had it where we feel lonely, get in a bad mood, and then meet up with friends and immediately feel better. It’s great, isn’t it?
Find the time to socialize a little daily.
Practicing Self Love
Love starts within yourself. It’s much easier to share love when you first love yourself.
Self-love is vital to your wellbeing.
When you practice self-love regularly you will see numerous upsides including:
Less anxiety
More motivation
Self acceptance
Higher self-esteem
Better mental health
Over increase in happiness
You’ll notice your life significantly improving over time as you practice self-love.
It’s pretty simple… when you love yourself, you start to make better decisions for yourself. Those decisions compound and your life just keeps getting better and better.
Lucky for us, there’s a whole movement around self-love. That means no one (worth your time) will shame you for making decisions that are for the betterment of your wellbeing.
Self-love is in.
I can’t think of one person who doesn’t want to improve their wellbeing, or be happier.
But it’s up to you to increase your wellbeing. The best way to do that is to start creating healthy habits.
These 5 great habits are some of the best ones you can pick up if your goal is to be happy.
Go ahead, give it a try, but make sure to keep at it a few weeks before you judge.
You won’t regret it.
Thanks for reading!
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