The 11 Best Follows on Twitter for Entrepreneurs

Twitter content that actually matters.

Elon Musk Twitter, Who to follow on Twitter, Entrepreneurs on Twitter, Twitter Trends, Best Twitter Follows

Created with Midjourney

Twitter has quickly become one of the best places to get your news and valuable content.

It is a place where intellectuals (and trolls) meet, discuss and debate. This makes it easy to find valuable information to apply to your life. It also makes it easy to find what is accurate, and what is false as everyone fact-checks each other.

However, it can also be a cesspool of trash if you get lost in it. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you follow the right people.

Here is a list of the 11 best people to follow on Twitter if you’re entrepreneurial.

Naval Ravikant @naval 

Naval is best known as the founder of AngelList and as an investor in over 100 start-ups. He’s also known for being incredibly wise and a modern philosopher.

This has led him to become one of the most respected people in Silicon Valley.

Why should you follow him though?

His words matter. When he talks, people listen, and he’s almost always right. 

As an entrepreneur, you want to listen to people who know what they’re talking about and who don’t just say things to benefit themselves. 

Naval doesn’t tweet much, but when he does, it hits.

You should follow Naval.

Nick Huber @sweatystartup

A serial entrepreneur who’s highly respected by some, and hated by others. He operates numerous storage facilities and has a staffing agency that gets you staff overseas for cheap.

What I like about Nick is that he talks about the hard and dirty work that goes into business. He tells it how it is and doesn’t romanticize the entrepreneur life like many other people.

Do be careful though. He purposely tweets things that trigger people because it helps his engagement go up and attract the ones who will do business with him.

A clever tactic, but not for everyone.

Sam Parr @thesamparr 

Sam is one of the hosts of the My First Million podcast and the founder of Hampton. Previously, he had founded the newsletter The Hustle and sold it to Hubspot for 8 figures. 

He is a master tweeter and a great follow.

On the My First Million podcast, he constantly talks about business ideas and gives priceless wisdom that can help you on your journey. This translates into his Twitter.

If you haven’t heard the podcast, go listen and if you haven’t followed him, go follow.

Shaan Puri @shaanvp 

Another host of the My First Million podcast, Shaan founded 2 companies and sold them both for large amounts. One of the was Bebo, a social networking site, and the other was The Milk Road, a crypto newsletter.

Just like Sam, he is a master tweeter.

However, he’s also a great storyteller and does an incredible job of breaking down companies. His Twitter is very interesting.

Shaan is another great follow.

Balaji @balajis

Former CTO of Coinbase and general partner at Andreessen Horowitz, Balaji has a wealth of knowledge to share.

He became much more popular after 2020 when he made numerous accurate predictions about covid-19. More recently, he made a bet for 1 million dollars that Bitcoin would hit 1 million dollars by June 17th. 

Whether you agree with him on his big bet or not, when he talks, you should listen. He’s incredibly intelligent and has been right numerous times.

Balaji is a highly respected intellect and is a great follow.

Sahil Bloom @sahilbloom

Sahil is a Stanford-educated fund manager. He also served on the board of 4 companies. That’s not why he’s famous though.

In 2020, when covid hit, Sahil started spending more time on Twitter. He was talking about business and finance and people started listening, and following.

He’s a great tweeter because of how he writes. It’s easy to understand, and you can’t stop reading. He has truly cracked the code.

Sahil is also great because he talks about more than just business. He shares his family and advice on life in general.

This is great for entrepreneurs as it’s important to know about all areas of one’s life.

Ryan Holiday @ryanholiday

Ryan is kind of like the modern-day teacher of stoicism. He reads countless amounts of stoic teachings, especially those of Marcus Aurelius, and repurposes these teachings to make sense for people of this age.

Why does this matter for entrepreneurs?

Stoicism is a philosophy that many successful people practice and can be a very useful mindset to establish going into the entrepreneurial journey.

Following Ryan will give you regular stoic tips that can help you during tough times.

Steph Smith @stephsmithio 

I found out about Steph when she was on the My First Million podcast. She came on with incredible business ideas and insights. 

Currently, she is the host of the a16z podcast. That’s how you know she’s smart. 

Steph’s Twitter will help you keep up with innovations in tech, especially AI, and a bunch of other random wisdom.

Oh, she’s also an incredible writer.

Tim Ferriss @tferriss 

He is the writer of The 4-Hour Work Week, Tools of Titans and many other great books, as well as the host of The Tim Ferriss Show (obviously). 

Tim is a great mind to follow because he constantly talks to the world’s most successful entrepreneurs in every industry. He has been able to build timeless knowledge that he shares through his Twitter. 

Don’t sleep on Tim!

Dharmesh @Dharmesh  

Dharmesh is the co-founder and current CTO of Hubspot. This guy is incredibly intelligent and insightful. 

He will often go off tweeting live as he’s working on some new innovation. Most recently, he was tweeting while integrating chat GPT into Hubspot.

It was awesome.

It’s nice to see someone with this much knowledge (and money) be so active on Twitter and open about what he’s working on. Dharmesh is a great follow.

Elon Musk @elonmusk

Founder(ish) of Tesla, Co-Founder of Paypal, Founder of Space-X, Owner of Twitter… you get the point, he’s done a lot. 

This one is kind of obvious, but not for the reasons you may think.

When Elon tweets, the world watches, and the world reacts. 

Every time he says buy Doge, it shoots up by billions in market cap. I’ve definitely made money buying Doge within minutes of one of his tweets.

But it’s more than just crypto. He is someone who shapes the world as we know it.

You may not agree with everything he says, but it’s best to follow him because his words matter more than nearly anyone else’s.


If you don’t like Twitter, it’s likely because you don’t know how to use it properly. 

You have to create a community of the right people, by following the right people and unfollowing the wrong ones.

As an entrepreneur, you want to surround yourself with influential and powerful people. This list is a good starting point for anyone who wants to wise up their Twitter feed and get in the right mindset to succeed.

Thanks for reading, and best of luck on your journey!

Be love.

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