30 Days of Microdosing Mushrooms Made Me Feel Superhuman

The incredible benefits that I noticed in my time micro-dosing mushrooms.

how to microdose, positive effects of psilocybin, best tools for self-improvement, personal development advice, entrepreneur

Constant and never-ending self-improvement. That’s what Tony Robbins encourages in his book “Awaken The Giant Within”.

I read it a couple of years ago and since then I've been trying to find little ways to improve myself. Whether that’s by creating a better routine, diet, mindset or fine-tuning my habits, I’m always interested in trying it.

That’s why when I heard that micro-dosing mushrooms can not only increase your focus, but also your mood, creativity, and body function while decreasing anxiety… I had to give it a shot.

After 30 days of microdosing mushrooms, I felt superhuman.

The noticeable effects of micro-dosing

You know those days when you just feel great? You have energy, can focus when someone talks, get into flow states when you are working, and are just in a great mood.

That’s how I felt nearly the entire time I was taking microdoses.

However, I alternated between 4 different kinds of microdoses. Each one is supposed to have a different effect, so I picked which one to take depending on what I had planned that day.

For example, Sero has one called “View Master” which is meant to help you focus. The days I would take that one is when I would spend time writing, reading, or doing mundane work that I wanted to power through.

And, I would take “Lite Brite” when I knew I would have a long day of work, going from meeting to meeting, because it was created to elevate your mood.

No matter which one I took though, I felt overall happy and in a relaxed mood.

The first day I had already started to notice a change. I was less stressed, more easygoing, and was able to focus better.

After 2 weeks, my good mood started to feel like it was a regular thing. I was more excited to wake up, didn’t want to stop working, and enjoyed going for walks more (and I already love walks).

At the end of the 30 days, I honestly felt like a new person.

I’m someone who has a lot of ups and downs. I feel like most entrepreneurs do, that’s the nature of business after all. These microdoses helped regulate my mood so I could perform at optimal levels every day.

I simply felt like a new, better version of myself.

The process of micro-dosing

There are numerous different ways to microdose mushrooms and it seems many people have different ideas of what size a microdose is considered.

Some people will recommend doing it every morning, others will say every 2nd day or 3rd day.

I did it every 2nd morning.

As for the size, I’ve seen recommendations of 0.08g to 0.5g depending on your goal. I did 0.125 doses.

They came in capsules that I got from Sero.

Sero made it easy because they label the different kinds letting you know what the benefits are supposed to be and it is of course pre-dosed for you as well.

Simply pick the benefits you are looking for, and follow the dosage, and schedule.

Summary of my processes:

  • 1 dose every 2nd morning

  • 125mg doses

  • I alternated between the 4 kinds that Sero offers

The first few times I took my micro-dose, I started feeling a change within the first couple of hours. However, as days went by, I felt the benefits nearly all day, every day.

And now that the 30 days is up?

I was only taking the micro-dose every 2 days because I felt like it would give a better idea of the benefits over a 30-day period. Now that the 30 days are up, I want to start taking it every 3rd day instead.

The main benefit that I want out of the micro-doses is focus. I often find myself drifting off when listening to someone talk, or reading, because I heard (or read) a word that makes my brain go off.

Focus was the best benefit I felt, and that’s why I loved the “View Master”. I was easily able to get into a flow state and hold good conversations without daydreaming.

If these can help me continue to focus, then I will continue to take them.

Closing remarks

Of course, microdosing is not for everyone. I personally like experimenting with different ways to optimize my life, to see what works and what doesn’t.

I’ve tried 100s of different diets, sleeping schedules, workouts, supplements, etc., so naturally, I had to try this too.

I’m looking forward to microdoses evolving into something we see on shelves in supplement stores. It has worked wonders with me and I believe it could with others as well.

Thanks for reading

Be love


There is still little scientific evidence that backs the benefits of micro-dosing mushrooms. The above article is simply to share my experience with doing so. I experimented with the brand Sero after they asked me to try their product. I am now an affiliate of the company and will continue to be after feeling the benefits.

You can use my code “lovenik” to get 10% off your order!

If you have any questions about micro-dosing, Sero also has good resources, I recommend contacting them directly!

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