4 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Plan Your Dream Life Today

This is how you make your dreams, become reality.

Live your dream life, self-improvement newsletter, finding happiness, personal development advice, how to love yourself

The pessimist says, “Get that dream out of your head. That life will never be yours.”

And the optimist says, “Just being alive right now is a dream. Enjoy what you have.”

While I won’t deny what the optimist says, we can all agree that progress produces happiness. Another way of saying that is, you will become happier each time you make progress towards a goal, or achieve that goal.

Whether your dream life is to retire young and sail the seas, or to work on something you love for the rest of your life, it is important to identify it.

Here are 4 compelling reasons why you should plan your dream life today.

1. Motivation goes a long way

Life has ups and downs, and that is unavoidable. The idea is not to focus on the actual outcome but on your output. Unlike the outcome, you can actually control your output, and to maximize your output, you need to be motivated!

Your dream life might consist of owning supercars, a private jet, or having a big family you get to spend all day with. Everyone is different and the actual dream is not what is important. Having a clear picture of your dream is what is. 

If you know what you are working for, you will work harder.

There is a good reason why motivational videos on YouTube get millions of views. Some people lack the motivation to work, and the only way they’ll get up and get to it is to have David Goggins yelling at them.

However, when you plan your dream life today, anytime you are slacking off you just have to remember what you are working for.

Having a clear picture of your dream life is the ultimate motivation.

2. Too many people don’t know how to spend

Rich people problems, am I right?

What happens to a lot of people is as they start to make money is that they have no idea how to spend it. Their spending habits are based on their past income. 

This doesn’t sound like a bad problem. However, you want to be able to enjoy what your hard work earned you.

If you don’t have a clear picture of a dream life in your mind, you will struggle to spend your money when you do get it, and quite often spend it on things that don’t actually bring you more happiness.

I’m not saying you want to go spend every dollar you earn. But I am saying you should spend what you can afford to spend, on your dream.

Decide your dream life today, so you know how to spend tomorrow.

3. Having a destination, helps you plan your journey

How are you going to know what direction you want to go in, if you don’t know where you are going?

For example, if your dream life involves living in Italy, owning a Ferrari, painting during the day, and having a beautiful wife and kids, you should know that now.

By identifying where you want to be now, you will be able to make better decisions along the way to get you there.

You might take a job in Italy because it gets you one step closer to that dream. 

A good visual exercise is to picture your dream as the tallest mountain in the world. You can see it from anywhere (I know the world is round, but work with me here). 

Because you can see it from anywhere, you know how to get closer to it. Sometimes you have to cross rivers, go hiking, or build bridges, but each obstacle brings you a little closer to the big mountain.

That big mountain is your dream life.

4. You need to know when you have enough

We’ve all either seen it or heard of it. Someone who is incredibly rich just continues working on something they don’t even enjoy until the day they die.

They do this because they always want a little more. They are never satisfied with what they have.

They just don’t have enough.

Maybe you had a goal of making 5 million dollars, but then when you get there, you want 20. And then again, you hit 20, and now you want 50. Now, you finally hit 50, and you want more power, influence, and friends.

You just never have enough.

This will take a lot of joy out of your life. Never being satisfied is a curse.

That’s why a perk of planning your dream life now, is that when you get there, you can finally relax, be satisfied, and have, enough.

“Yes, but I have something he will never have . . . enough.” - Joseph Heller

Bonus! How to plan your dream life

We have different methods of planning our dream lives, but I want to give you a couple of my favourites.

First of all, doing a visualization meditation is a great way to not only picture exactly what you want but to allow yourself to feel how satisfied you will be when you get there.

Visualization can be an extremely powerful tool for planning your dream life.

I’m sure you already do this, but scrolling through social media and saving certain posts that encompass your dream life is also great.

Another thing is making sure your background on your computer (or phone) is something that you dream of. Currently, my laptop background is a Porsche 918. It’s beautiful.

Personally, I think Pinterest is the best tool to plan your dream life. You can create boards to organize your dreams. I personally have a board for travel, another for homes, one for cars, and some for fashion.

Pick a method that helps you easily picture it, and is easy for you to come back to it often.


To the pessimist, I say, “You won’t ever live in a dream if you don’t dream at all.”

And to the optimist, I say, “You are right, but let’s keep moving.”

Planning your dream life can be a little intimidating. After all, we might never get there.

Instead, I want to challenge you to make it exciting, fun and even funny. Think about how many kids you want, where you want to live, how many animals you’ll have (maybe a monkey), and what luxurious possessions you’ll own.

At the end of the day, we all dream differently, and what’s ultimately important is that you identify which dream is yours.

Thanks for reading

Be love

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