10 Deep Quotes That Changed My Life Forever

After reading these incredible quotes, my behaviour and results were never the same again.

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Great quotes have an incredible way of changing your entire life, mindset and worldview. Even if they are only a few words long.

The more you read, the more deeply impactful quotes you will discover.

For me, these are those quotes.

Some of them come from spiritual leaders, and others from incredible entrepreneurs. Each has affected my life positively in a different way and changed my life forever.

I hope that some of these quotes will speak to you, as much as they did to me.

1. “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” - Steve Jobs

This is a quote that most entrepreneurs love. It embodies the inner thoughts that flow through your head as you come up with ideas. 

We all feel crazy and question whether others think the same.

Steve Jobs is someone who created numerous incredible products that changed the world forever. He was bold enough to think of these products, and he was crazy enough to change the world.

2. “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” - Thomas Edison

The first time I heard this quote was after starting a sales job in which I kept failing over and over again. 

Thomas Edison is known for having sat inside his factory and experimenting constantly until he found the one solution that could work.

He failed until he succeeded. He succeeded because he never quit. Sometimes that’s what entrepreneurship is all about.

3. "The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships." - Tony Robbins

You are a combination of the 5 people you spend the most time with. It’s a famous saying and it’s remarkably true.

I started listening to Tony Robbins to help me make my comeback after failing greatly and losing nearly everything. 

One of the things I had to do was make sure I was making great use of every hour I had. That meant improving the quality of relationships in my life and making sure those relationships were with the right people.

4. “Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.” - Naval Ravikant

In numerous philosophies, they talk about how desire will create suffering and make you unhappy. Naval Ravikant simply found a beautiful way of wording it that makes you realize exactly what they’re saying.

He goes on to say that it is okay to desire maybe one thing at a time. Work hard on that thing so that you can allow yourself the opportunity to be happy.

5. “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” - Alan Watts

Life is a dance or as Naval Ravikant would say… a single-player game. The purpose of life, or the key to it, is just to dance along with it.

I like to say that you just have to keep moving. Alan Watts refers to this movement as a dance - it’s all play. Just keep dancing.

6. “The fear is simply because you are not living with life, You are living in your mind.” - Sadhguru

This is a quote that comes back to me when I feel anxious. You fear because you are afraid of what has not yet happened. What has not happened yet is not reality, it is all in your mind.

If you stop living in your mind and start living in the present, you will be rid of fear, and find happiness.

It’s beautiful.

7. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” - Lao Tzu

This refers to the journey of life in general, but can also be applied to entrepreneurship. As some might say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. 

You have to take one step at a time, and you have to take a step to begin the journey in the first place.

Will Smith also has said something similar. You can’t build a wall instantly. You have to lay one brick at a time, and over time, eventually, you will have a wall. 

But, you have to start with the first brick.

Take that step.

8. “I'd rather be optimistic and wrong than pessimistic and right.” - Elon Musk

This is a great quote from someone who has accomplished the impossible time and time again. Elon Musk accomplished the impossible by believing in his vision and himself. 

Without optimism, he would have given up before he achieved any success.

Without optimism, he would have likely just stopped after selling Zip2, or Paypal.

Being pessimistic and right will just make you miserable.

9. “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” - Marcus Aurelius

Your life is a reflection of your mind. When you gain control over your thoughts, your life will soon follow. If you are happy in your mind, and your thoughts, then your life will also be happy.

It’s amazing to think that even 2000 or so years ago life was just as simple as it is now. It all comes down to understanding and controlling your mind.

10. “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” - Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison is one of the kings of failures. He failed time and time again until he finally succeeded. And he did that, time and time again.

He knew that he was always just one little thing away from succeeding. That’s how entrepreneurship is. We are often so close and yet don’t realize it.


It’s amazing how quotes can transfer so many emotions to so many people at the same time. I look at these quotes, and for the most part, they have been enjoyed and felt by millions of people.

Words have that kind of power. That’s one of the reasons I write.

Simple quotes like these changed my life, and that’s simply beautiful.

What are some of your favourite quotes?

Thanks for reading.

Be love.

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