Diary Of A Club Guy Part 3
nightlife, diary of a club guy, dj, hospitality industry Nikola Maharajh nightlife, diary of a club guy, dj, hospitality industry Nikola Maharajh

Diary Of A Club Guy Part 3

Earlier in 2023, reflecting on 10 years of working in nightlife, I decided to write a series of tweets titled: "Diary Of A Club Guy". They got incredible feedback. So, I decided to write it with more detail.

Part 3 is my experiences working as a DJ. DJing was my passion, and I had so much fun doing it. The stories and memories are endless.

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Your Dinner Cost You $40… What Did You Really Pay For?
mindset, hospitality industry, nightlife Nikola Maharajh mindset, hospitality industry, nightlife Nikola Maharajh

Your Dinner Cost You $40… What Did You Really Pay For?

The real reason you are paying $40 for your meal may surprise you. Many people forget how much goes behind actually setting up that meal you have when you go out. It can be easy to get frustrated with the costs of living going up.

That’s why I wrote this. To help shed some light on what you are really paying for.

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Diary Of A Club Guy Part 2
nightlife, diary of a club guy Nikola Maharajh nightlife, diary of a club guy Nikola Maharajh

Diary Of A Club Guy Part 2

Earlier in 2023, reflecting on 10 years of working in nightlife, I decided to write a series of tweets titled: "Diary Of A Club Guy". They got incredible feedback. So, I decided to write it with more detail. These are my experiences working as a VIP host. We deal with a lot of weird people and meet a lot of incredible ones as well. The experiences are memorable and fun.

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