This Is Why (and How) You Should Stop Being Boring When You Speak

When perfected, the way you talk can be a superpower

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The ability to captivate people when you speak is one of the greatest skills you can have.

It requires careful thought and practice to know when to use more extravagant words, pause strategically, fluctuate your voice, and have a compelling story in the first place.

This ability is nothing short of a work of art.

This art will make people listen to you. In fact, they’ll love having you around because you’ll be constantly entertaining them.

It’ll get you in the right rooms, help you sell and persuade, and make you all-around charming.

But, if you want to work on this art, where do you start?

The first (and easiest) step is to stop being boring when you speak.

The use of extravagant words

Whether you hate or love him, Donald Trump is the champion of using extravagant words.

His wall was never going to be just… nice. It was meant to be fantastic, beautiful, and brilliant.

He didn’t want to make America good again. He wanted to make it great.

This seems like a very minor change, but it can have a serious effect on the listener.

For one, it makes the speaker more entertaining to listen to. People are more likely to get behind what you are saying and be impressed if you are capturing their attention.

It also makes everything you talk about seem more grand. What you talk about will start to matter more.

And then, on a whole other level, it’ll trick you into being happier.

I know this sounds crazy… but just try this little exercise.

Say out loud, “I’m doing good today.” 

Okay now say, “I’m doing fantastic today.” out loud.

Did you feel the difference?

It might be very little, borderline negligible, but over time, it adds up.

And, it has the same effect on those around you. It’s part of why it’ll make you that much more fun to be around.

This helps you captivate your audience.

Practice voice fluctuations

For basically my entire life, I was incredibly monotone. Honestly, I’m still pretty monotone.

Those who are monotone put you to sleep. It can be hard to listen to them for a hard time while staying interested in what they are saying.

Think about how much a stand-up comedian’s voice fluctuates. It makes it way easier to listen to them speak for an hour straight.

Now, although I’m still monotone, I have gotten a lot better at speaking in the last couple of years.

The reason I have gotten better is because I sing in my car when I am by myself and I sing in the shower.

That’s right.

If you sing, and I mean actually try to sing, you will start to speak with more fluctuation in your voice.

Okay, I have one more trick for you!

Actively try to add fluctuations in your voice. Once you’ve added this into your train of thought, over time, you’ll get better.

Now that I’ve told you this, you won’t be able to help yourself.

You’re welcome.

Funny sayings and metaphors

You know your uncle who always has a saying for everything? Isn’t he incredibly interesting and funny to listen to?

He always has a new saying you’ve never heard and it makes him entertaining. That’s one of the many reasons you get excited to see him after all.

Anyways, you need to be like him (minus the drunk part).

There are some people who whenever they hear a funny saying, write it down to use themselves later.

I haven’t gotten to that point, but I do often steal sayings and one-liners from movies, stand-ups or TV shows.

Let me give you an example.

Which one is more entertaining?

Option 1: “You can take a donkey to the water, but you cannot force it to drink!”
Option 2: “You can tell her the right thing to do, but you can’t make her do it.”

Exactly. The donkey wins every time.

The art of storytelling

Let’s be clear, you can read entire books specifically on the art of storytelling. It is an incredible skill and is vital to making sure you are not boring when you speak.

When you tell your story or speak in general, you have to use the tips I shared above.

But, you also need to have a good story in the first place.

So, what makes a good story?

First off, you need to know who you are speaking to. If you are speaking to your grandma, it’s unlikely she will want to hear about a video on TikTok. 

Secondly, you need to hint that something exciting is about to happen.

Think of it this way… Why would this person want to listen to your story until the end? 

You need to give them a teaser at the beginning to keep them captivated.

Lastly, make sure you are very familiar with your story. Some of the best storytellers tell the same ones over and over again. They have a few stories in their back pocket ready for when they meet anyone.

Again, you can read whole books or take online courses on this art and honestly, I would recommend you do it. It’s one of the greatest skills you can have.

Closing thoughts

Human interaction is one of the most beautiful aspects of life. By learning to not be boring when you speak, you can add a little spice to those interactions.

It’s a secret superpower on the most fundamental level which can set you apart from the rest.

Now that this has hit your head, you will think about it consciously. 

And, I bet, just like that, you will start to be less boring when you speak.

Thanks for reading

Be love


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