This is What Happened When I Started Reading 50+ Pages A Day

From not reading any books for 10 years, to reading every day.

Benefits of reading books, self-improvement advice, tips for new entrepreneurs, personal development advice, motivational

High school English class was a nightmare - I hated writing and I hated reading.

This hatred was ignited by the fact that I was forced to read and write about things I had absolutely no interest in.

The result… Aside from an embarrassing Twilight phase when I was 18, I only read 4 books between the ages of 18 and 28. #TeamEdward

That’s 1 page every 3 days. Yikes!

It was only once I got a speeding ticket that led to me losing my license in 2019 that I started reading again, and that year was when I read 2 of those 4 books!

And then, COVID hit, I started reading regularly and this happened…

The more I read, the more I want to read

When I first started reading again, I dreaded it. Reading was so much less entertaining than watching Netflix.

So, to keep myself interested (because I knew it was a good idea to read), I started reading books I knew I would 100% be interested in. That included some biographies, and self-help books that were specifically targeted at whatever issue I was facing at the time.

Over time, I became more interested in these books. I started to look forward to my reading time.

At first, I forced myself to read 10 pages a day. That number started to go up because 10 wasn’t enough. It went to 25 pages a day, then 35, 45 and finally today I read 50+ pages a day.

Even reading 50+ pages a day, I still wish I had more time to read because I love the books I pick, and am learning so much.

I’m absorbing knowledge in a new way

You don’t have to read to learn. There are great documentaries that will teach you plenty, and tons of good YouTube videos and courses, however, reading allows me to absorb knowledge differently.

There is something about reading the written word that goes into my head differently.

Reading allows you to go deep into a subject and get details you wouldn’t otherwise get. For example, the difference between reading Game of Thrones and watching it.

When I really want to dive into a subject though, I start by reading a book, and then I watch a video and listen to a podcast. That way I’m taking advantage of more learning methods.

If I took reading out of that equation… it wouldn’t be the same.

If you’re like me and desire to learn and to better yourself… you’ve got to read a lot.

It’s an ice-breaker for meeting interesting people

Every single book that I read, I post on my Instagram story with a short review.

When I started doing this, it was simply so I could go back and see what I read so I could easily pick which books I wanted to re-read.

What has happened though, is that many interesting people have messaged me to ask about these books.

This often leads to interesting conversations with people I would not have otherwise talked to. On top of that, they often give me book recommendations based on what I like.

This has been a great way to connect with like-minded people!

There is a downside though…

A warning though… reading a lot is not all fun and games. Due to my increased desire to learn, I now have less interest in other conversations, activities, or topics.

I’m typically daydreaming or going over a topic in my head, even when I am not reading.

This is a downside because I have a harder time listening to others while we are in a conversation. I have a lower tolerance for small talk.

Some people would view this as a good thing, and I could see how it could be. However, I believe being able to have random conversations is necessary… no matter how uninteresting they can be.

Closing Remarks

I never thought I would end up being someone who loves to read, but here I am, writing about how much I love it.

If you hate reading like I did but know it’s good for you, this is what I recommend you do:

Don’t overcomplicate it. Just start by finding a few books that you are 100% positive will interest you, and from there let your curiosity take over.

The best way to build a healthy habit of reading is to follow your curiosity.

Thanks for reading.

Be love

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