This Damaging Emotion is Preventing You From Living

The handicap you are unaware of

living in fear, personal development advice, self-help tips, self-improvement tips, self-improvement blog, entrepreneur blog

Photo by mana5280 on Unsplash

A damaging emotion inside you is preventing you from fulfilling your maximum potential.

You’re not alone either.

This emotion prevents us from exploring the world, taking game-changing risks and even just having peace.

This emotion affects everyone from the richest man in the world to the poorest – from the most famous people to the loneliest.

It is an emotion that is nearly impossible to contain, but one that if you can overcome, your life will change.

That emotion is fear.

Fear is dangerous

Much of the pain that has been felt in the world has been caused by those who live in fear. Their reaction to try and rid themselves of this fear is dangerous and hurts others.

You see those in power who are afraid of losing it acting dangerously.

You see those who fear being unable to feed their families, go to lengths that hurt others.

And you see people who fear for their lives, who are willing to take another’s to save their own.

Fear is dangerous because it is only in your head.

What you fear is never guaranteed to come true, but your reaction to fear is guaranteed.

If you fear losing power and are hurting others to maintain it, the hurt is guaranteed while the loss is not.

Fear is the cause of anxiety, murder, hatred and pain. It is what is preventing you from being the person you could be and what leads you to act out of character.

Fear is dangerous.

Luckily for you, the first step to overcoming fear is acknowledging it.

The fear of inadequacy

With the rise of social media, fear of inadequacy has hit new heights. 

You see others who have “achieved” more than you and fear that you will never do the same. You fear this without even realizing that the person you are comparing yourself to rented that Lamborghini they took a picture with.

Before social media, a lot of the fear of inadequacy was derived from never making your parents proud or being as successful as your older sibling.

The guilt of not moving fast enough, the fear of perhaps never getting there, and the anxiety of what everyone will think of you if you fail.

I understand all too well. I’ve been there too.

You start your journey of life, and look for those who have done what you want to do. Somehow,  you land on someone like Mark Zuckerberg.

Mark who was once the world’s youngest billionaire is a terrible person to compare yourself to. Fearing of not matching someone like this puts you in a position to never be happy.

This fear leads you to take shortcuts and you get sloppy.

These attempted shortcuts mean taking unnecessarily large risks, and the result is your ruin.

You could have kept moving at your own pace, but you didn’t, and now, you are further behind than before.

Your fear of inadequacy has led to your downfall.

This happens from comparison. It leads you to make bad decisions and mistakes and failures follow.

This fear is damaging, and if it is left unchecked, it will continue to damage you.

Luckily for you, once you acknowledge this and learn from it, you can take the right steps to overcome this fear.

Fear creates illusion

The more fearful you are, the more your mind’s illusions grow.

We see this daily in the world of politics. 

Those on the left create potential negative outcomes based on fear of what would happen if the right got in power. The same happens on the other side of the political spectrum.

We listen to those who are afraid and now we share their fears.

These fears are once again just an illusion in one person’s mind and who knows why that person is afraid in the first place?

Much of that fear is fabricated in the first place. It’s an attempt to control your opinion and vote.

It’s all an illusion. None of the results you or anyone else fears have happened yet.

The fear is derived from suspicions. The fear comes from potential outcomes based on (maybe) educational opinions and predictions.

Or, once again, the fear could be fabricated to control your thoughts.

That sounds like a reach, I know, but it’s still a possibility.

So, why let someone else’s fears become your fear? What good does it serve you?

Does it prevent you from feeling future pain? Does it warn you so you can properly prepare?

You may think so, but all it is doing is making you feel the potential pain, now.

And then if that outcome does happen, you still feel the pain anyway. So, what good did it serve you?

Now, you are living in fear, and your reaction can be dangerous.

We’ve seen hatred, murder, and harassment all come from the fear of something that was never guaranteed to happen, and never ended up happening.

Fear is a dangerous virus.

Luckily for you, once you are aware of this fact, you can prevent yourself from being a victim.

Fear as a tool to control

I know what you are thinking, “Why would others want to spread fear?”.

The first reason is, they don’t want to be alone in this fear. They want others to share the same fear they have. 

So, they tell you about this fear and try to convince you this illusion is inevitable. If they successfully convince you, they will know their fear is justified.

The next reason is control.

Manipulating people learned many generations ago that fear is one of the easiest ways to control others. If you can make them fearful, they will come to you looking for a solution.

The government will tell you to obey and make you fear the consequences. The result is people fall in line and give them power.

Organized religion will tell you if you do not obey their rules, you will burn in hell for eternity. The result is you listen to them, pay them a weekly portion of your salary, and give them all power over you.

The mainstream media will tell you to fear AI, billionaires, politicians or someone “random” across the world. The result is you will come to them begging to know what else you should fear so you can improve your chances of survival.

Fear is a damaging emotion and others know that. That is why they use it as the ultimate method of control.

Luckily for you, once you are aware of this fact, you can block the fears of others and live your life freely.

By removing the leash around your neck, you can live your life the way you want to.

Removing all fear

You may be wondering how you can remove all fear from your life. Sadly, that is borderline impossible.

Fear is an instinct that helps you identify what to avoid in an attempt to ensure survival.

The best thing you can do is be aware of fear. By being aware of it, you can prevent others from manipulating you and you can analyze if your fear is reasonable.

If you can do that, you will be able to live your life freely.

It may not be the answer you are looking for, but this can change your life.

Thanks for reading.

Be love


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