The Happiest Time of the Year

Do you see green? Because I do.

pursuit of happiness, how to be happy, how to be great, personal development advice, self-improvement blog

I’m writing this because I am happy.

Nothing crazy happened – I haven’t been doing anything that fulfills me more or should boost my happiness.

Actually, I’ve been doing something that should be stressing me out. I just opened a restaurant.

And yet, I’m still happier than I was a few months ago.

That’s because, like many others, winter depresses me.

But, that depression does a full 180 when Spring is here.

And guess what… It’s here!

I can feel the warmth from the sun

The depression that comes from winter is not made any better when your entire body feels tight because you are cold all the time.

Shivering is not comfortable. It’s also quite frustrating.

Not to mention that you are deprived of vitamin D.

That’s why, the moment I feel the warmth come from the sun, I’m happy.

It happens somewhere above 7 degrees Celsius. 

If it’s sunny outside and above 7 degrees, the sun starts to warm against your skin. Instead of your body being awkward and tight, you relax and smile.

It’s almost as if you can feel the vitamin D entering your skin. It’s like a boost of happiness, stress relief and love at the same time.

Some might call that… serotonin.

It’s taken for granted and so is the feeling that comes with it. That is until winter comes around again.

But, now that spring is here again, I swear I will make the best of each day.

Life is coming back to nature

As the sun comes out, the green does too. And, so do the birds, the bugs and everything else that comes with it.

Life has come back to nature.

Winter is deceiving. It starts as beautiful, white, and playful, but as time goes on, it goes grey and brown and everything looks… dead.

Spring is when life returns.

And, I don’t know about you, but I feel like it is when life comes back to me.

It’s beautiful to go for walks in a park or forest and see the animals, birds and the greenery.

You can hear rivers flowing, kids playing and the sound of life.

Spring brings new life and new life brings happiness.

The days are longer

During the winter, if you are lucky, you’re getting around 8-9 hours of sunlight. Now, compare that to the summer when you are getting close to 16 hours of sunlight.

That’s twice the amount of time with the sun when the spring and summer come around. 

Why does that matter?

More time with the sun means more serotonin and vitamin D for your body, more time when you feel awake and energetic, and time when everything feels alive.

You can make that simpler and say that with more sunlight, you can be more productive and relaxed.

Sunlight makes you happy. That’s just a fact.

Everyone is more energetic

Have you ever noticed how people are more energetic and easygoing during the spring?

The warmth changes people.

During the winter, everyone is uptight. They all want to get home because more time out of the house means more time when they are not comfortable. After all, they’re cold.

That changes in the spring.

People want to be out of the house and around people like you. That changes their mood, gives them energy and makes them all around more enjoyable to be around.

We are social creatures after all. We love being around each other. 

The spring allows that to happen.


The spring is awesome because it is the first sign that summer is coming. Your body can feel it and everything starts to change.

You become energetic, life comes back to nature, you get more sunlight and the result is…


Cheers to spring coming back again!

Thanks for reading

Be love.


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