The Dip By Seth Godin - A 300-Word Book Review

A 300-Word Book Review

The Dip By Seth Godin

The Extraordinary Benefits Of Knowing When To Quit (And When To Stick)

Rating: 8.5/10
Pages: 76
Time To Finish: Less than 2 days
Where To Purchase: Amazon

What’s It About?

We start a new business, job, or relationship and it’s awesome. You’re motivated, working hard and loving it. 

Eventually, though, it gets hard and then gets even harder until the point it’s no longer fun.

That’s “The Dip”.

This book goes over how to identify if you’re in “The Dip” and whether you should push forward, or quit.

Seth Godin emphasizes that what sets apart the successful from the not, is their ability to give up at the right times, and their ability to stay motivated when they should.

My Favorite Parts

This whole book is so important for any entrepreneur. Having been through “The Dip” multiple times I found it very relatable.

I love how Seth talks about considering what is the possible outcome of overcoming The Dip. We have to ask ourselves is the reward even worth it? 

When we are struggling, grinding away in The Dip, if the reward isn’t worth it, we likely won’t make it out. Before even entering a market, we should ask this question.

Another great part is when he talks about always making small steps forward. You have to always be making steps forward otherwise you may be in a spot where you should quit.

Seth continues to go over the 3 questions you should ask yourself if you are thinking of quitting. I highly recommend reading those carefully.

Who Should Read It

This book would be helpful for any entrepreneur, or anyone thinking of becoming an entrepreneur. I believe there is value in this book for any young professional as well.

Additional Thoughts

I’ll be reading more Seth Godin books. This is the second that I’ve read and I can say I’m a big fan.

His books are quick, to the point, and information-packed.

Seth Godin, Marketing 101, Marketing Advice, 2023 Marketing, The Dip, Marketing Books, Book review, Life Hack

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Until next time,

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