Discipline Is Destiny By Ryan Holiday - A 300-Word Book Review

300-Word Book Review

Discipline Is Destiny By Ryan Holiday

The Power Of Self Control

Rating: 9.5/10
Pages: 300
Time To Finish: 1 week - 40 pages/day
Where To Purchase: Amazon 

What’s It About?

Simply put, it’s about self-discipline.

“To master anything, we must first master ourselves.” - This takes discipline.

Ryan Holiday wrote this book in numerous short chapters. Each chapter goes over a short story and what lesson on discipline you can take away from that story. 

It’s more important than ever to possess self-discipline. We need to have it, and everything is better when you do have it.

My Favorite Parts:

“We owe it to ourselves, to our goals, to the game, to keep going”
Those who genuinely love what they do are hard on themselves than anyone else. They don’t stop and they don’t quit. They keep working even when they don’t want to. Even when they are in pain.

Don’t wait: If you want to do something or need to do something important, don’t wait until tomorrow. We tell ourselves we will start a new diet in the New Year, or start a new business once we have something specific.

Don’t wait. You are making excuses. If you need to do it, start now.

Who Should Read It:

Anyone who has a leadership role should be forced to read this. Every point that Ryan Holiday goes through is incredibly important for a good leader to know.

It’s worth saying that everyone could benefit from this book. Those with big goals, those trying to live modest lives, parents and students. Discipline is key to happiness.

Additional Thoughts:

I found this book incredibly addicting to read (hence the rating). It was hard to put down and it flowed so beautifully. 

Ryan Holiday is extremely good at teaching stoic lessons. He makes it easy, and he makes you not want to stop.

You should read this book.

Ryan Holiday, Discipline, Self-Discipline, self improvement, Ryan Holiday Book, book review, book on stoicism, self-help

If you’ve read this book and have any thoughts to add, please comment below!

Until next time,

Be Love

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