How I Thought I Made $200,000,000.00, but Instead, Got Scammed

How I Thought I Made $200,000,000.00, but Instead, Got Scammed

When we all got locked down, I got pulled into the world of PPE sales. People were making millions, and I almost did too. Almost is the key word.
We all have failures, and we should learn to be comfortable talking about it. That way when we fail again, we will have an easier time getting up.

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How I Made Over $225,640 In A Day… And Then Lost It
making money, failures, mistakes, self-improvement Nikola Maharajh making money, failures, mistakes, self-improvement Nikola Maharajh

How I Made Over $225,640 In A Day… And Then Lost It

It’s important to learn from your own mistakes, but it’s great if you can learn from others’ mistakes before you make them yourself. That’s why I share this.

I made over $225,000 in a day and then lost it. If I avoid a few of these mistakes, I could have profited heavily.

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