Students Should Use ChatGPT

AI Is Going To Be A Part Of Everyday Life.

self improvement, growth mindset, life hacks, openai chat, artificial intelligence 101, AI in schools, ChatGPT tips

“AI is starting to take over, it’s crazy. Now, even students are starting to use ChatGPT to do their University assignments. It’s preventing them from learning, and preventing them from thinking for themselves.” - Annonymous

Just a few days ago at a dinner, someone who attended said this. This was how I responded:

“I think it’s great. They should use it more.”

Needless to say, there was some shock at the table, followed by questions.

People who are scared of how AI is progressing. I believe that’s typically because 1 of these 3 reasons: 

  • They don’t understand how to use it

  • Have only heard about it from the news

  • The rate at which it’s progressing is scary. 

The fear is completely understandable - humans fear the unknown.

Now, students can now use it to “cheat”, or help with their papers. I don’t believe this is a bad thing though. I believe students should use it more.

Let me explain.

It’s Not Going Anywhere

Whether we like it or not, AI is here to stay. Rather than hate it, or avoid using it, we should embrace it and learn how to use it. If we don’t, we will be left behind.

It’s time to accept it as a tool to help our society.

In the past, people avoided the change in technology. Whether it be switching to email, using PCs, or the internet, or using their smartphones for their smart purposes. 

Every time a new technology comes out there are those who are scared of it and avoid it. They don’t want to change their old ways. Those are the exact people that will be left in the dust… once again.

AI is a technology that is evolving so fast that if you don’t hop on board now, it’ll be nearly impossible to keep up.

Don’t be one of those people. AI is not going anywhere.

It’s Already Being Used

In workplaces everywhere, it’s already been adopted. 

Writers are using it to help do the tedious work they don’t want to do, coders are using it to help correct their work or increase their productivity, and others are doing research with it. 

AI is being used all around us and it’s only been a few months. The ones who are using it are becoming far more productive than those who don’t.

Students should learn how to work in the modern world. To tell students they can’t use the technology that people are already using is simply setting them up for failure. They will not be ready nor know how to keep up with workers in the industry they are entering if they aren’t using this technology in school.

Do we want our students to work how we used to work, or do we want them to learn how to work the way we will in the future?

We are supposed to be teaching them to lead the future to create a greater world, not do exactly as we are doing now.

We Can Focus On Bigger Problems

Artificial Intelligence helps do the work that we know how to do, but don’t want to do. It essentially helps us save hours upon hours.

That’s a good thing!

With all of our newfound time, we will be able to focus on the much bigger problems. This is what we needed.

Why focus on the tedious, borderline mindless work, when we can focus on innovation, creative work and happiness?

Others Will Learn How To Use It

The truth is, other countries (such as China) are already working with AI. If we stop using it, they’ll just get ahead of us.

In a world where technology is accelerating, we don’t want to get left behind.

Silicon Valley helped lead the world in technological innovation. That boosted the economy for years. We don’t want someone else to take that place. 

With AI being the biggest breakthrough in technology in a long time (if not ever), now is not the time to stop.

Allow students to use it because others are using it regardless.


ChatGPT and AI are new technologies, and although they need to be regulated, we shouldn’t stop students from using it in the meantime.

With the rate that technology is accelerating, the risk of falling behind is the greatest risk of all.

In the future, students will be using ChatGPT and other AI tools in their workplace anyways, so we should encourage and train them to use it now.

AI simply helps us with mundane work which allows us more time to focus on bigger, more important problems.

What are your thoughts?

Thanks for reading,

Be Love

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