Stillness Is The Key By Ryan Holiday - A 300-Word Book Review

Unlock The Potential That You Know Is Within You

ryan holiday book review, ryan holiday stillness book, find peace, self-help book, self improvement, growth mindset

Rating: 9/10
Pages: 257
Time To Finish: 5 days
Where To Purchase: Amazon

What’s It About?

The ability to be still and to slow things down is one of the greatest abilities you can have.

It allows you to think through things carefully, enjoy moments fully, and direct your energy where it’s needed.

Ryan Holiday goes through how nearly all theologies and spiritual disciplines emphasize the importance of being still. He also uses classic, and modern-day examples to prove this point.

My Favorite Parts:

The beginning goes over a lot of JFK. He was forced to make some of the most important decisions any man has ever had to make, and he made sure to make those decisions without his ego. He also didn’t let anyone else’s ego determine his decisions.

JFK’s stillness allowed him to potentially save the world.

Ryan Holiday talks heavily about allowing yourself the space to be still. 

Get rid of stuff that is cluttering your space, find a place where you can be alone with yourself and learn to say no. 

There are numerous important lessons that I’ve seen elsewhere, but Ryan came to the same conclusions from these teachings, and it’s great.

Who Should Read It:

Anyone who feels their mind is all over the place and is suffering from the overload of information we are fed.

This book made me feel at peace.

Additional Thoughts:

This book was very refreshing to read. 

Most of what I read I already knew, but he approached everything differently than what I’ve read in the past.

He made the book very easy to read and hard to put down. I very much enjoyed this and believe it can help many people.

Thanks for reading,

Be Love

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