Get With Artificial Intelligence, Or It Will Get With You

AI Will Take Your Job

ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, growth mindset, AI in business, AI in workplace, Self Improvement, AI Art Generator

Artificial intelligence is here, and it’s going to take your job.

At least, that’s what everyone is telling us nowadays. The truth is, depending on your job, this could actually happen. 

I’m not trying to scare you. My goal is to convince you to get on the AI train so it doesn’t run you over.

If you do get on the AI train, not only could your job be safe, but you could easily thrive.

Let me explain!

AI Is A Productivity Tool

Have you played around with ChatGPT yet? How about Midjourney?

If not, exit this blog and play around with them for a bit. It will not only blow your mind, but it might open it too.

What I’ve come to realize after using these AI tools for a few months is that eventually, they’ll easily replace humans in some workplaces.

That will happen but don’t worry, I have a solution for you.

Learn how to use them.

You can do research faster, you can write faster, and you can generate ideas faster. AI will code for you, create pictures for you, and organize your day for you.

Soon, AI will even do your to-do list for you.

Learn how to use AI as a productivity tool, it will amplify how quickly, and effectively you work. You will become a 10x worker.

When you become a 10x worker, you become irreplaceable. 

You Can Work For Yourself

The longer you play around with AI, the more you’ll begin to realize that you can now do the job of multiple people. That is why so many people are scared of it after all, it can replace several different jobs.

While that could be a bad thing, you can make it a good thing for yourself.

AI makes it far easier for individuals to work for themselves. It will help them do work they normally wouldn’t be able to do at all.

Imagine doing work that normally takes you 10 hours, in 2 hours, or 1 hour.

Again, that means you can become a 10x worker.

The beautiful thing is that you could start to work for yourself or start a side hustle more easily than ever.

You can work your 8, 10 or 12 hours a day, come home and work 2 hours on your own business.

With AI, those 2 hours will often be enough.

You Can Learn. Quickly.

AI makes it incredibly easy to learn about subjects you may have never thought possible.

Just a few days ago, I was updating the website for Far From Ordinary, and I was having trouble fixing some issues. I asked ChatGPT and it gave me some suggestions, including coding it into the Shopify theme.

I have no idea how to code so I was having trouble doing this. ChatGPT was quick to tell me exactly how to do it.

This ended with me copying the entire code into ChatGPT and it telling me exactly what to do. Not only that, but it identified some issues Shopify had made in their own code and corrected it to make my website run faster.

This is only the start and it’s incredible

So Who Is At Risk?

Let’s think about this for a second. What jobs would be at risk if someone could access knowledge faster than the person currently doing that job?

Now, to be clear, it may not eliminate all those jobs, but it may simply mean a firm can hire half the amount of people because the workers there are now much more productive.

Or even better, they have the same amount of workers, but they all get paid more because the business is moving way quicker.

What if a lawyer could scan through previous cases in 5 seconds? 

What if your assistant could re-organize all your notes and make minute notes in 10 seconds? 

What about if you could scan the internet, pull up 100 leads for your business, get the best contact at each business, and organize them in the size of the business?

It’s all possible with AI.

Get With It

This is why I’m saying you need to start learning how to use AI, now.

Make yourself the best at prompting AI to work for you, so that it’s not working against you.

In the past, the people who were slow to adapt to technology fell behind. Businesses were closed, and jobs were lost. If you didn’t get an email address, didn’t get a smartphone, or didn’t pivot to make digital cameras (Kodak), then technology knocked you out.

This is debatably the biggest technological shift we’ve ever seen and maybe the most meaningful.

Get with it.


By failing to adapt to the shift in technology, you are putting yourself at risk of being out of a job, or out of a business.

However, by immediately learning how to make AI work for you, you will gain a temporary unfair advantage. Keep in mind, this isn’t actually unfair, but if you get on it now, you will be ahead of many others.

We have a few months, maybe 18-24 months before everyone is forced to adapt. You have an opportunity to get on it now, get ahead of the crowd, and profit.

If you don’t, I fear you may be out of luck, and out of a job.

Get with AI, or it will get with you.

Thanks for reading,

Be Love

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