So! You’ve Greatly Underestimated Yourself… Again

It’s time to build confidence in yourself and realize your full potential.

self-improvement in 2024, personal development advice, tips for entrepreneurs, self-improvement journey, motivational blog

Your mind is the biggest roadblock you face on a daily basis.

Humans have a bad habit of poorly estimating what they can accomplish when they dedicate themself to a mission. This comes from a lack of confidence, self-awareness and focus.

On top of that, being in the wrong environment doesn’t help either!

You know the Bill Gates quote, right?

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”

Your biggest limitation is your mind.

By developing a proper understanding of yourself and expanding your vision, you can better gauge your potential and accomplish far more than you realize.

Let’s dive in!

The first challenge is picking a challenge

Indecisiveness will be the end of you. The fact that most of us have a hard time dedicating our time and energy to a single mission is why we have trouble hitting our goals.

By picking a single challenge, you start to pull together all your resources and brain power to solely rise.

Instead of trying to do 10 things at once, you now eat, sleep and dream this mission.

Think of the Spartans in the movie 300 when King Leonidas asks, “SPARTANS! What is YOUR profession?”

They respond with: “HA-OOH!”

War is their life. They are soldiers.

That’s how dedicated you need to be to your mission.

With that kind of dedication… You will be able to accomplish far more than you give yourself credit for.

The most successful people are all known for their incredible ability to focus on a task or a mission at hand. But, for some reason, most of us are still constantly trying to juggle multiple things at once.

Even on a micro scale, you’re trying to read this article while you’re also watching what’s going on around you, checking Instagram notifications and talking to your brother.

You’re multitasking in every area of your life!

This mistake will result in you being less confident in any specific area.

Here is the truth.

You are average (or below) on most things you attempt, and you’re great at even less.

So, it’s time for you to narrow your focus and pick your main mission.

Do you want to be a Spartan… or one of those other guys?

self-improvement in 2024, personal development advice, tips for entrepreneurs, self-improvement journey, motivational blog

Humans are pretty awesome

If you’re like most people, you are currently doubting your full potential.

Think about it… Humans are pretty incredible!

We’ve flown to the moon, built skyscrapers, invented the internet, have cars that can drive themselves, and the list goes on.

Humans are amazing creatures who have the unique ability to create new knowledge and from that knowledge build incredible things.

That ability is unique to humans (as far as we know).

Your only problem is that you have not yet expanded your mind. You’ve blocked yourself from seeing how much potential you have.

Unfortunately, most people only get a glimpse of their potential when they surprise themselves.

Think of it this way.

If you believe that the most you’ll ever do is work at McDonald's, it is unlikely you will ever accomplish something bigger, unless something happens that expands your outlook.

For example, one day when you’re working, you worked extra hard and surprised yourself with how good you are at that job, and impressed a customer who now wants to hire you at their store.

You were having a great day, it showed, and a customer noticed too. He wants to offer you a better job.

Now, you’ve come to realize that you could become something more if you put in hard work!

(No offence to McDonald’s employees.)

In this example, you underestimated your ability and assumed working a basic job at McDonald’s was all you could do. You surprised yourself, and now your outlook has expanded.

These surprises happen often, but we rarely acknowledge them.

The truth is though, you’re awesome and you have got to do whatever you can to continuously expand your mindset. You need to realize that your potential has no limits (not even the sky).

Change your environment

It is in your best interest to find new ways to expand your mindset.

Instead of underestimating yourself and hoping one of these random outlier events occurs and shatters your current understanding of your potential - you should change your environment.

Changing your environment can mean moving to a new city or getting a new job, but it also means reconsidering who you hang out with and what content you are consuming.

If you spend all day hanging out with losers who smoke weed all day, have no aspirations, and make fun of those who do… it’s going to be very hard for you to see your potential.

Whereas, if you hang out with high achievers and those with big dreams, you will see right in front of you just what a human can accomplish.

You need to hang out with people who bring each other up, instead of keeping each other down.

When it comes to content, if you’re reading the biographies of the most successful people and watching great educational videos, you’ll see what is possible for a human and learn about what you can do to get there too.

The worst thing you can do is get stuck watching trash TV. You’ll find yourself making excuses about why someone else has what you don’t have.

“They only have money because they’re famous.” - Every Loser

That mindset makes you undermine your potential and leads to you underestimating yourself once again.

Instead of sitting around watching those people build success… make it happen for yourself!

self-improvement in 2024, personal development advice, tips for entrepreneurs, self-improvement journey, motivational blog


It’s okay to have underestimated yourself, but you have to make changes accordingly.

If you are consistently underestimating what you can accomplish, then you are lowering the ceiling and hurting your potential.

By focusing your attention on a single mission, realizing what humans are capable of, and switching to an environment that suits you, you will be able to fulfill your potential.

Once you do that, you will reach a new level of happiness and success.

Thanks for reading

Be love


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