It’s Time You Speak Up: How to Finally Get What You Want

Nothing will ever go your way if you don’t vocalize what you want.

entrepreneur motivation, best advice 2024, self-improvement tips, growth mindset, personal development tools, self-love tips

“I rather just put my head down, and do my work.” 

“My work will speak for itself.”

These are typical phrases that people who are afraid to express themselves say - repeatably.

They are too afraid to speak up and justify it by claiming they are okay with their results.

It’s time to face the truth.

You have two choices.

You can keep doing the same thing and getting below-satisfactory results…

Or you can raise your voice, and find the confidence to speak up and get that outcome you secretly desire.

I want to challenge you. Make today the day you finally begin to speak up!

You’re the only person who knows what you want.

If you expect your boss to know you want a raise or promotion and your waitress to know you want your ketchup on the side - you will continuously be sadly disappointed.

It’s ridiculous how people expect others to know what they want without being vocal about it.

“Obviously my boss knows I want a promotion. Who doesn’t?”

I understand that statement, but at the same time… why would you take a chance?

If you were your boss, would you rather promote the guy who is eager to take on more responsibility or the person who just shows up every day?

No one will know what you want unless you tell them.

This advice is even more applicable to your relationship than it is to your workplace.

If you don’t tell your partner what you like or expect, it is unlikely they will figure it out.

You’re slowly hurting yourself.

It is essential to your emotional well-being to speak up about how you feel. Bottling up is slowly killing you.

Traditionally, men have not spoken about their feelings. It was never considered manly to even have feelings. 

Studies show though that speaking up will help you alleviate stress and other feelings that damage you. Those damages otherwise can be quite significant.

  • Decreased immune system

  • High blood pressure

  • Heart attacks

  • Strokes

You’re slowly killing yourself.

You bottling up and not speaking up is ruining your life and health.

Don’t you think it’s time you speak up?

It’s a lot harder to trust you.

It’s hard to trust someone who doesn’t speak up. You never really know what that person feels, is thinking, or how they will react to any given situation.

Someone who doesn’t speak up is unpredictable.

That can cause a lot of relationship or workplace issues. Not speaking up is likely why you haven’t gotten a promotion or have not closed that deal!

Expressing your opinion shows authenticity and transparency.

Donald Trump was the perfect example (as much as you may hate it). 

He said a lot of dumb stuff, but people knew what they were getting into because he didn’t hold back.

And look, he still won the 2016 election.

It was easy to trust him because you knew he was saying what he believed was the truth.

Speaking up will build your confidence.

You’re going to be wrong from time to time - that is inevitable. But, the more often you are wrong, the more you can correct yourself, learn, and be right in the future.

How are you going to find out you’re wrong unless you voice your opinion?

Speaking up helps you to test your theories and knowledge, open your mind and in turn, build your confidence.

As you start to narrow down what you are right about, you naturally start to feel more confident. The more confident you become, the more you are willing to take risks, speak up and lead.

Confidence is a major key to success.

Without confidence, you will be stuck in the same place forever.

And without speaking up, you will lack confidence.

You’re going to get walked all over

Once again, you’re the only person who knows what you want.

People will walk all over you without even being aware that they are doing it.

Without an open dialogue, no one knows your boundaries, no one can hear you saying no, and of course, it also leads to major misunderstandings.

“Sorry man! I thought you wouldn’t mind if I did “x”.”

They had no choice but to assume what you wanted because you never even bothered to tell them!

Sometimes in life, you have to take control - you have to speak up and tell them how it is.

Let’s be honest here… The consequences are much worse when you avoid speaking up than if you do.

Closing remarks

The point is, that you need to speak up if you want to have a healthy place in society.

You need to speak up or you’ll never truly integrate and move up in the world. You’ll be stuck where you are, not enjoying life, and blaming everyone else when you are the only one to blame.

So, find your voice, join the conversation and express yourself.

You won’t regret it!

Thanks for reading.

Be love


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