Dating in the New World Isn’t As Bad as You Think

Why you should remain optimistic about the dating world and keep shooting your shots.

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If you are single and having a hard time finding someone to date, I have good news for you! You’re going to have many more chances to find the love of your life.

We can all agree that most people currently have a very pessimistic view of the dating world.

They believe it is harder to find someone loyal, that social media is killing relationships and that no one is ready to settle down.


Well, if so many people have the same beliefs, doesn’t that mean that a lot of people are looking for the same thing?

You haven’t found the right person, but you have a lot to be optimistic about!

We are more connected than ever.

Yes, social media can damage relationship dynamics. The moment you open your phone you are bombarded by pictures of girls in bikinis and jacked dudes in the gym.

It’s unfortunate that your partner now knows they have other options…

That must be why your relationship has issues! (sarcasm)

Girls like his pictures, guys are sliding into her DMs, and now their attention is away from you.

We like to blame social media for this, but clearly, there is something else wrong with the relationship if a picture of someone else, or a little attention from another human can cause issues.

There is a bright side to social media.

We are more connected than ever. And what that means is that you can easily meet someone new.

That worries people.

They believe that means they will be cheated on or that their relationship is fragile. The truth though, is that when you find the right person, your relationship will not be so easily broken.

The level at which we are connected is a good thing because if social media breaks your already weak relationship, you can now meet someone else quite quickly.

More options mean that you have a better chance of finding someone whom you can make a relationship functional with.

This is a perk, not a flaw!

You can build a relationship faster than ever.

Flashback 50 years ago, or even just 20 years ago and you used to have to call your crush’s house phone, talk to their mom or dad and convince them to pass the phone over.

All that just so you could ask what their favourite colour is.

Thankfully, those days are over!

Now, you can text them or better yet, Facetime them, and start to build your relationship and chemistry immediately.

The rate at which you can get to know each other means that you can get to know your options and narrow down a potential match in a fraction of the time!

This also means your relationship may end sooner though.

But, is that a bad thing?

Do you really want to extend a relationship with someone if it is bound for failure regardless?

Everyone knows what’s going on.

I won’t deny that there are some obvious flaws with how widely accessible information is. You don’t necessarily want everyone to know all the details of your relationship, but nowadays, that’s typically unavoidable.

Once again though, there is a bright side to this.

It is much easier to find out if your partner is doing something shady.

That girl you are worried about might just send you a screenshot of your boyfriend hitting on her in her DMs.

The guy in your class might send you a video because he caught your girlfriend making out with another guy at the bar.

This sounds horrible, and it is. Cheaters suck.

But, it is far more likely that you find out when your boyfriend or girlfriend is being a piece of sh*t than ever before.

This is an obvious perk.

This saves potentially saves you years. It allows you to cut the sh*thead out of your life, and get back out there to the now thousands of options you have in front of you.

Technology is awesome

In our lovely modern world, we have a never-ending amount of things you can do.

When you do find an amazing partner, you can watch endless hours of Netflix together, start to play video games together, take pictures and videos, video call when one of you is on vacation, and text at any hour.

The possibilities are endless.

My mom took an endless amount of videos because we had a camcorder when I was growing up, but I know a lot of families who didn’t have that luxury.

Now, everyone has a phone.

Your friends get cute pictures of you and even your grandma takes videos of your kids. These are memories that thanks to technology, you will never lose.

You and your partner will live longer lives than nearly anyone before thanks to medical and health advances.

Life is good, technology is awesome and if you’re a good person, your relationship will be too.

Closing Remarks

The modern world makes everything go faster (including your relationship), and that helps save you time in the pursuit of love.

You get to know each other quicker and better, you break up faster, and you can more easily trust each other because there are cameras everywhere (although you shouldn’t date someone you don’t trust regardless).

And the best part is that thanks to technology if your partner is sh*tty, you can always find someone new in no time.

Thanks for reading.

Be love.


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