5 Hacks That Will Help You Build Self-Discipline in 2024 (and Make It Your Best Year Ever)

The key to self-improvement is through consistent discipline.

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The root of every problem in your life is based on the fact that you are not disciplined.

If you were disciplined, you would be a productive machine.

On top of that, you wouldn’t have eaten a second dessert last night or scrolled on TikTok for an hour at work.

The obvious truth is that we all know discipline is important.

But, few know how to build that discipline, and even fewer are willing to do what it takes.

By the end of this, you’ll have one of those problems solved.

“We must master ourselves unless we'd prefer to be mastered by someone or something else.” - Ryan Holiday

1. Start by removing all temptations

Let me give you the perfect example to illustrate my point.

When you are walking in the grocery store, you only walk by the Twinkies once. At that moment, you decide to say no, and you don’t buy the box.

Because of that single decision, you no longer have to walk by it in your home 5 times a day.

If you have bought it, you would have to say no 5 times a day at home, instead of once once a week at the grocery store.

This is a little cheat code that will make you look disciplined.

It makes it so much easier on yourself.

The same hack works with checking your phone while doing work.

Instead of being forced to say no to Instagram every time you get a notification, put your cell phone in a different room.

You removed the temptation and out of nowhere, you have the discipline.

2. Build a routine that creates good habits

I can not tell you enough times that you’ve got to create a regular routine. We are creatures of habit and we thrive when we know what to do at all times.

Let me make this as simple as possible…

If you know that every day at 8 am you go to the gym (because it is part of your routine) - you are way more likely that you’ll go even if you’re tired.

You may show up a bit late, but because you went the last 67 days in a row, you’re going to go again.

A routine builds discipline because if you keep it up long enough, you create strong habits.

That is the goal after all - to build good habits.

A study showed that it takes 66 days on average to create a habit.

That means those 66 days following your routine will require discipline.


Once that habit is created, it would take discipline to break it.

That habit becomes so powerful that the discipline to continue comes on its own.

Create a good routine and let it transform into great habits!

3. Create must-have goals

You need to make goals so clear and so desirable that you want to be disciplined.

If you know that by staying disciplined, you’ll one day get that Aston Martin you always dreamt of… discipline now becomes easier.

Figure out what it is that you want - I mean really want!

  • A Ferrari to cruise in

  • Enough money to retire young

  • A house for your kids to grow up in

  • To lose 50 pounds so you can live a long healthy life

Write down those goals, write down why you want to achieve them and read them DAILY.

Your desire to achieve the goals will help you build discipline.

4. Leave reminders in easy-to-see places

One of the best ways to build the discipline to reach your goals is to leave reminders everywhere.

Legit, everywhere.

Make your phone and laptop background the car you want.

Leave sticky notes on your fridge door, entrance door, and bathroom mirror.

Put a note on your nightstand and put a picture of what you want on your wall.

Tattoo it to your forehead if you have to.

If you put a picture of David Goggins calling you a b*tch in front of your toilet… I bet you are more likely to stay disciplined.

These little things keep you motivated and will keep you disciplined.

5. Find an accountability partner

It is extremely effective if you can find someone that helps make sure you stay disciplined.

This could be as simple as a friend who talks to you for an hour each week and goes over what your goals were, if you’ve been following your routine, and calls you out if you screw up.

It’s even more ideal if this person is your partner.

That way, each night in bed, they can make sure you stay true to your word.

Find an accountability partner who can keep you motivated.

This is key because everyone is different.

Some people prefer to have accountability partners who are mean to them and put them down for going soft. While others prefer to have someone who is kind and reminds them what they’re working for.

Figure out who you can trust to treat you the way you know will motivate you, and ask them to help you out.

Most people are more than happy to help you, and would likely benefit from you doing the same for them!

This is a very effective technique if done correctly.

Closing remarks

If you can find it in yourself to create self-discipline in 2024, your whole life will change for the better.

This discipline not only improves your work, but it makes you a better friend and partner.

Discipline is everything.

“Everything we want to do in life requires discipline. And like strength, flexibility, and endurance, it can be built up over time.” - Laird Hamilton

Thanks for reading

Be love


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