9 Reasons You Should Love Yourself

I mean, you’re pretty awesome

Self-love tips 101, how to love yourself, how to be great, self-improvement blog, self-help advice

It’s easy to get down on yourself from time to time.

You screwed up, said something stupid, hurt someone's feelings, hate what you look like, and failed your exam, but you should still love yourself.

I know, I know, it’s easier said than done.

When you’re down, it’s really hard to get up. You get stuck in your head, and the more you’re in there, the harder it is to give yourself some love.

You need a reason to love yourself, right?

1. You’re the only you

There will never be another person who is born at the same time you were, from the same parents, go through everything you have and have the same name.

It is impossible.

That means the only you there will ever be… is you.

You’re unique, and humans love things that are one of a kind.

2. You’ve already beat the odds

Some say that the odds of a human being born are something like 1 in 400 trillion.

That’s pretty wild.

In comparison, the odds of winning the Powerball jackpot is 1 in 292 million.

That’s a multiple orders of magnitude difference.

You’ve already beat the odds and won the lottery of life. You gotta love that.

3. The fact that you’re reading this means you care

You have a good heart. Want to know how I know that?

You’re reading this right now and the title talks about love as it is.

You would not click on this title if you didn’t have love in your heart and weren’t desiring to give it to someone (likely yourself).

You care, and for that simple fact, you deserve love.

4. Your life will improve dramatically

Loving yourself will change your life immensely. This sounds like a selfish reason, but that’s not a bad thing.

You need to be selfish once in a while.

When you love yourself, you make decisions that positively impact your life. You do your best to make yourself happy and take care of yourself.

The benefits are unparalleled.

5. Everyone else can’t be wrong

You’re loved by many people. You have friends, family, random people and me who all love you.

If so many people love you, why don’t you?

What do they see that you don’t?

That’s a good question to have because often you are lost in your head clouded by all your thoughts.

Other people don’t see the storm. They see your actions, and your actions are what matters most.

These people can’t all be wrong.

6. It’ll attract awesome people 

When you love yourself, it attracts incredible people. People can see your awesome energy, positivity and happiness.

They want to be around that.

People who love themselves are fun to be around, peaceful and likeable.

Loving yourself will increase your friend group and improve the quality of it too.

7. Self-love is fun

Once you dive into self-love, it surprisingly gets quite fun. As you make better and healthier decisions, your life starts to improve in multiple ways.

You can even view self-love as a challenge and continue to push yourself to treat yourself better.

You’ll start to treat yourself to massages and spa days.

You’ll start to enjoy working out more and eating better and you’ll likely sleep better too.

Self-love can be very fun!

8. Love is contagious

You know that feeling when you watch a romantic movie and it makes you want to hug your partner and kiss them?

Well, that’s because love is contagious.

When you see love, you want to love others too.

So, when you love yourself, other people see it, and they not only want to love themselves but others too.

Love is contagious which means self-love makes the world a better place!

9. It’s the best option

At the end of the day, if you don’t love yourself, what else can you do?

Hate yourself? 

That sounds awful…

Why would you want to do that?

Self-love is the best option.

Let’s be real here…

I know what you’re thinking… loving yourself is tough, and the concept of it is kind of overplayed.

What I’m getting at though is not only is self-love the best choice (regardless of the difficulty), but it is something you should shift your focus to immediately.

You won’t regret it.

Thanks for reading

Be love


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